Old Processes, New Advertising

Wet -plate collodion is a photographic process that basically dates back to the birth of photography. It became very famous during the Civil War. According to , A Haunting Old Photographic Process Reappears, this process requires a large-format camera, a subject who can remain still for 10 to 30 seconds, and immediate development, by hand. The pictures were described as “arduous” to make with rewarding techniques  that cannot be match by iPhone or  modern cameras. In the Louis Vuitton Double Exposure video Sam Taylor said, “the quality is very hard to find in photography” and that the “technique is wonderful”.

I believe the technique, quality, and detail that the wet-plate images offer is why some photographers has returned to the nineteenth-century processes. It gives the people viewing the images  a different way of looking at portraiture, especially for those who have never witness how photographs look when they are done using this process. Even though it is old, the process is now being viewed as something new and exciting because many people have never seen it before. This is even more beneficial for designers, like Louis Vuitton, advertising their new collection because the images will be eye catching. In conclusion, people are always looking for new ways to express things which is why many photographers today are reviving the wet-plate process.

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