Slide show of a brife summary of my blog.

Here is a pdf version of the summary of my art blog.  ART BLOG SLIDE

Its containts six slides that summarizes my art blog thus far. It is a quick review on the mission statement of my blog, Art 1 on 1.  It summarized my bio page , a single post and a series post.

Here is a link to the document containing my slide show : Art Blog Slide


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People Of Colored Being Cropped Out Of Paintings.

Peter Lely

Portrait of Elizabeth Murray

England (c. 1650)

Oil on canvas, 124 x 119 cm

I have seen pictures of this before, in a previous art history class, but I don’t remember there being a second person before. I seem to remember this image being cropped differently too, the way I remember it being cropped was very clearly and deliberately intended to remove the person holding the tray of flowers.People of Color from Medieval, Renaissance, and other Early Modern European works were often literally painted over in later decades or centuries.

For example: In this painting, Giulia de’Medici (the child) was painted over in the 19th century:

It was very fashionable in a lot of 17th and 18th century paintings to have a Black servant featured in portraits of very important historical figures from European History.They’re practically ubiquitous. A lot of the very famous paintings we have seen of European and American historical figures have a Black servant in them that have been cropped out or painted over. Even those stock photos from our American History Professor’s Powerpoint.

jean Chardin:

Maria Henriette Stuart

However, because of  the whitewashed  of history , teachers and professors continue to use the cropped images because they don’t want their lecture to get “derailed” by a discussion about race.These images are also more commonly seen on stock photo sites, including ones for academic use.

Oil paintings of aristocratic families from this period make the point clearly. Artists routinely positioned black people on the edges or at the rear of their canvasses, from where they gaze wonderingly at their masters and mistresses. In order to reveal a ‘hierarchy of power relationships’, they were often placed next to dogs and other domestic animals, with whom they shared, according to the art critic and novelist David Dabydeen, ‘more or less the same status’. Their humanity effaced, they exist in these pictures as solitary mutes, aesthetic foils to their owners’ economic fortunes. The reason they are so easy to crop out is because of the the artistic conventions which reflect the power hierarchy:


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A Review of Philip-Lorca diCorcia Exibition at the MoMa (Part 4)

Roy; ,In his twenties; Los Angeles, California; $ 50, From the Series Hustlers 1990-92

Roy; ,In his twenties; Los Angeles, California; $ 50, From the Series Hustlers 1990-92 . The fact that DiCorcia has labeled each portrait with the man’s name and age, the city they came from and the amount of money he was paid for the picture (from $20 to $50). The info speaks volumes, “ wow $50 for a male prostitute,“ was my first thought about this image. This image of the male prostitute who is fairly young is laying on a motel bed laying on his back with his head slightly off the bed while engaging the camera . Similar to the photo Tennille which portray the subject in a strong positive light. This image portrays the young man Not to provoke pity Or begs for sympathy but in a more playful scene . He portrays his subjects in a positive and attractive qualities.

The different Parts of this series can be found by clicking on the links : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4

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Filed under Museum, Photography, street art

A Review of Philip-Lorca diCorcia Exibition at the MoMa (Part 3)

Tennile 2004 , chromogenic color print , acquired through the generosity of Dr. Michael L. Jacobs, 2006

Ambiguous, and filled with suggestion Mr. diCorcia’s photo Tennille suggest a more explicit narrative , Tennile 2004 , chromogenic color print , acquired through the generosity of Dr. Michael L. Jacobs, 2006 . The photo depicts a stripper “ working the pole” is what I like to call it . The photograph captures the dancer in mid routine with her legs wrapped around the stripper pole while her body gracefully dangled. The dancer is bath with a bright light which showed how gracefully she danced on the stripper pole. The lighting of this photo gave such a dramatic image which showed the dancer in a powerful way, it showed her as a strong powerful woman who owns the stage and is in charge. This photo tells a narrative about the dancer, it made me create a short story in my head. The photo made me gave the dancer a back story as to who she is and why she’s a stripper. Which is exactly what the artist is trying to capture. He plays on the moral values of society. The artist usually paid his subjects the same price they charge for their services. However, there is no price in the description of this particular photo so it made me wondered how much he paid the stripper for this photo.

“Hustlers,” his best-known series, according to most art critics is the most well-represented, with 14 large and small shots of mostly young men strutting their stuff along Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood. Made from 1990 to 1992 and funded with a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, DiCorcia’s breakout series features men posing for their portraits in motel rooms , parking lots and laundromats, outside fast-food restaurants, gas stations and boarded-up buildings, and simply sitting at bus stops or on street corners, usually at dusk.

The different Parts of this series can be found by clicking on the links : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4

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Filed under Photography, street art

Review of Philip-Lorca diCorcia Exibition at the MoMa (Part 2)

Joe Reeves; 34 year old , San Fernando , California , $40 1990-92

In the photograph Joe Reeves; 34 year old , San Fernando , California , $40 1990-92 . A half-naked man stands behind a veil of red gauze on the a tiny motel balcony; in the foreground the bare feet of another man can be seen on the bed, which protrudes into the frame. In fact, nothing in these photos explicitly indicates that the men are prostitutes. But that possibility certainly hints to our interpretation of them.

The different Parts of this series can be found by clicking on the links : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4

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A Review of Philip-Lorca diCorcia Exibition at the MoMa

Philip-Lorca diCorcia (born 1951) is an American photographer. He studied at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Afterwards diCorcia attended Yale University where he received a Master of Fine Arts in Photography in 1979. He now lives and works in New York, and teaches at Yale University.. He has been recognized since the 1980’s for portraits of subject in settings at once vivid and ordinary. Treading the fine line between fiction and reality, his photographs , although staged , are still very much part of the history of documentary street photography.

This MoMa exhibition features photographs that explore fantasy, sexuality , danger , and commodity. The large-scale photograph Tennille , from the series lucky Thirteen , depicts a pole dancer caught in mid-routine, her body is showered in bright lights. For his hustler series , a selection of which are on view at the MoMa presently, diCorcia sought out male subjects in an area of Hollywood known for prostitution and drug trade. The men posed under dramatic lighting in hotel rooms and laundromats or outside fastfood restaurants. Each portrait is titled with the subject’s name, age , the city he came from , and the amount diCorcia paid him for posing , corresponding to the fees the subjects charged their usual services.

The different Parts of this series can be found by clicking on the links : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4


Filed under Photography

How I started my clothing company Part 4 (Marketing and Promoting)

Promoting a clothing line cost a lot of money. However, the fact that I have very little to no money to spend on promotions did not stop me, I had to find ways around that. These costs can run into the thousands for just one year. Some of the things I did to get my brand out there was a Pop-Up shop events. 

So far my primary promotional outlets has been blogs and social media since it is free and it meets my target audience. I have used websites such as Tumblr , Twitter , Facebook and Instagram . The most popular site that gets heavy traffic and has a lot of following is my Instagram page which is can be found by search @DAZEDANDCONFUSED_APPAREL The Instagram page has 28k followers and is still growing . The Facebook page has more than 4k followers and counting, it can be found by searching DAZED AND CONFUSED APPAREL  The twitter account has about 50-60 followers so far and con be found @FOREVER_DAZED. The tumblr blog has over 250 followers  and can be found here WWW.HEARTBROKENASSHOLE.TUMBLR.COM. Collectively I have reached 34k people free of charge just by using blogs and social media.

I have yet to write a press release to send to the local newspapers and magazines . I mentioned before I use my skills that I have learn in college to help me with my business. My English Career Writing Class that I am currently enrolled in at Cuny NY City College of Technology has helped my writing skills tremendously, and I should be able to draft a press release.  I also plan on purchasing ads in newspaper , magazines on websites that has my target audience. I will also sponsor events that caters to my target audience. In addition,  I will try to get a celebrity endorsement, or get the most popular person I know to wear my clothing by giving it to them for free. Finally, I will create a LinkedIn Profile to showcase my work.

This series well elaborate on how I started my clothing company with very little resources and finances, you can be navigate to the different by clicking on the links: Part 1(Intro)Part 2 (Nailing Down The Basics) Part 3 (Making The Clothes), Part 4 (Marketing And Promoting).

summer tank tops13

Leather Tank Top summer13

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Filed under Fashion, Photography

How I started my clothing company Part 3 (Making the clothes)

This is the fun part for me, but it’s only 10-15 percent of the process! I made sketches, get feedback, and decide which ones will constitute to my first collection. I picked out fabrics and materials that are cost effective and current. I used a screen printer to produce my line’s first collection. I had to find out whether there are any restrictions, such as if they can’t print certain colors, size specifications (specs) of the design (how big it can be), the type of shirt you want to print on, and the weight/quality of the fabric (for example, I chose thinner, less expensive fabric for summer clothing lines).

Since I had very little money I had to put top priority on my company’s projected financials. My funding is the lifeblood of my company in since it is in its’ early stages. I do not have outside funding yet, I launched my clothing line this summer with very little money, I did not expect to get the  well response that I got, but if anyone would like to start a new business they might want to consider a small bank loan. Consider an SBA loan, or another type of loan to get your business started. To get a loan, you might need to have collateral.
This series well elaborate on how I started my clothing company with very little resources and finances, you can be navigate to the different by clicking on the links: Part 1(Intro)Part 2 (Nailing Down The Basics) Part 3 (Making The Clothes), Part 4 (Marketing And Promoting).
Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 4.26.57 PMScreen Shot 2013-12-07 at 4.29.37 PM

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How I started my clothing company Part 2 (Nailing down the basics)

After I finished my Packaging and designing class I decided to put everything that I have learn thorough out my college career.  I started to do a lot of research on how to start a small business.  First thing I had to figure out what am I going to call my clothing line. I had to dig deep to find a name that is catchy and means something to me. I chose the name Dazed And Confused Apparel.

I choose this name because at one point of my life I felt a little lost and i did not know what exactly i wanted to do with my life. I knew I wanted to go to college but I did not know what exactly to major in. I chose the name Dazed And Confused Apparel because it is about finding yourself as a person, and discovering who you are and what is your purpose in life. Most people spend their whole life finding their purpose in life, i felt this is fitting because since I am constantly growing as a person and I am discovering who I am.

logo study

logo 2LOGO



After i chose the name of my clothing company the next step i took was designing my logo. I took everything i have learn in one of my design class to create my logo. I did some brainstorming on what i wanted my logo to be,  whether i wanted it to be very detail or abstract,  I had to dig deep again to chose my logo . I decided to use a owl to be my logo because I though it was fitting. The owl is sacred to the Greek goddess of learning, and since I am currently a student and I love learning as much as possible. Wisdom , Mystery , Transition, Messages, Intelligence, Mysticism, Protection, Secrets are all symbolism of the owl.

My next step I did was to Straighten out my legal obligations . First of all, I had to do a bit of research . I had to decide on my business structure (LLC, partnership, corporation, etc.). In the US, I need a tax ID number, a business license, and I also filled out a DBA (doing business as) form from my bank so that you can accept checks written out to my company’s name. Normally people may want to consider hiring a lawyer to either act as a consultant or be available on retainer should you need them. However, I took my time and Google every word I did not understand. I would strongly recommend anyone to follow this step because 1) It is legal 2) the tax I.d number comes in handy when ordering wholesale apparel and some wholesalers give a further discount on blank t-shirts with a tax I.D number.

This series well elaborate on how I started my clothing company with very little resources and finances, you can be navigate to the different by clicking on the links: Part 1(Intro)Part 2 (Nailing Down The Basics) Part 3 (Making The Clothes), Part 4 (Marketing And Promoting).


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Filed under Fashion

How I started my clothing company (Intro)



I took a package and design class last semester (spring13) at my school NY City College of Technology and my professor told us to create a company to do our project. I  love fashion and art so I decided to create a clothing company. While my professor gave the class assignments about our fake company I followed to make my real clothing company.  Our first assignment was to write a mission  statement. Here is a video on How to write a mission statement

This series well elaborate on how I started my clothing company with very little resources and finances, Part 1(Intro)Part 2 (Nailing Down The Basics) Part 3 (Making The Clothes), Part 4 (Marketing And Promoting).

Summer 13 Lookbook

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