Financier Patisserie first opened in the lower Manhattan near the stock market neighborhood. Named after the French Financier cake that originally was created for Financiers since they were very simple and easy to eat. Some Financiers didn’t have time for lunch so this little cake was perfect to for them to enjoy during working hours since they didn’t have any filling or topping that would leave their hands messy and sticky. At Financier Patisserie these cakes are sold individually and wrapped in plastic bags. They taste like almonds and butter, not too sweet and medium moisture! Delicious! They only cost $1.85.
Mayson Kayser also sells Financiers but they have a muffin-like shape, they come in plain, pistachio, raspberry and cherry flavors. They are very sweet, the dough tastes like almond paste and they have a lot of moisture. They are good but I prefer the Financiers at Financier Patisserie. The cost at Kayser is $5.35 which is I think is a little too expensive. One aspect I liked from Kayser is that they have a cozy and beautiful interior and the service is always on point.