General comments from the presentation(these ar my notes – and not everything that was said..)
Tolu – need to place in slide format.
Kimberly – needs more exterior development or ideas of materials, ground floor plan would be helpful to see site- Domino Sugar Factory/Williamsburg development
Kevin – needs more exterior development or ideas of materials, sections – lineweight is hard to read, ground floor plans too large
Josh – be careful with your parking level – find a way to show what is below “grade/raised platform”, a lot of hard surfaces on plaza – some more green spaces?
Dario – Siteplan inverse concrete and small green areas/tone down brown wood and poche building plan so it pops, concept diagram of puzzle pieces. 3d model showing rotating blocks would really show yor project – that was missing and hard to follow
Marleni- Label streets/buildings types/entrances…add images of program to site plan – show the “path”, building too dark, Elevations – not light and moving- too dark, labels and legend on ground floor plan
Andres- lobby – retail is best from the streets – not through lobby, color coding of floorplans is too bright – can combine floorplan and blowups of 1,2,3 on same sheet.
Flamur – sections very diagramtic not architectural – elevations lost materials
Karen – check spelling on ground floor plan – a lot of misspelled words.
John – exterior is a bit too industrial not in keeping with neighborhood. – label buildings show entrances on site plan.
Julia – label streets on ground floor plan – look to create pass through at core (not for reposting, but in future development) very humanistic
Sergio – A lot of drawings and work done, Some elevations/selections are a bit hard to read as there are a lot and they are small. May want to make important one larger and more slides or just pick the best one or two and eliminate the others. Amphitheater reminds Amy of Opera house front plaze in Tel Aviv
Sol – site plan – label streets, and note where site is, hard to understand the location of buildings on the site with the lineweights. Sections and elevations are very basic – not developed. Floorplans work, but the massing takes up the entire site leaving no room to experience the site North to South – creating another barricade that the BQE did. Need to incoprporate the site images into the design. They are very exciting and would help weave the wrapping of the loops into the movement through the site. It still is very conceptual and not integrated with site and neighborhood.
Jonathan- Good process, be carefull with graphics – purple courts? Glass cutting off play spaces and open streets, what is the exterior material? Windows look small – are there enough for all the rooms?