Category Archives: Students-MTH-AM


Posted in 20.1 Grids-Levels-Sheet Layout, Assignments, Ruiz, Freddy A, Students | Leave a comment


Posted in 10 Scavenger Hunt, Assignments, Ruiz, Freddy A | Leave a comment

Eduardo Scavenger Hunt Assignment

Posted in 10 Scavenger Hunt, Prof. King, Students, Umana, Eduardo G | Leave a comment



Posted in 06 Zoning Team Presentation, Encarnacion, Bezal E, Florian, Wantony, Garcia, Kevin, Gonzalez, David R | Leave a comment

Zoning Presentation- Cory Breegle, JP, Kenny Cheung, Darwin Diaz

Posted in 06 Zoning Team Presentation, Breegle, Cory S, Cheung, Kenny, DeMerieux Gomez, Jean-Pierre Giraud, Diaz, Darwin E. | Leave a comment



Posted in 04 Team Presentation - Bldg Analysis, Encarnacion, Bezal E, Florian, Wantony, Garcia, Kevin, Gonzalez, David R, Students | Leave a comment

Team 3 Presentation (Part 1)

AhmadK.BlaibergC.GrzegorzK_Team 3 Presentation part 1

Posted in Chicoma, Blaiberg, Khatib, Ahmad, Kosieradzki, Grzegorz W, Students | Leave a comment

Team 7- Presentation (Update)

Due to a a limitation on uploading some files had to be divided into parts and other had to turn into jpegs because the slide alone was to big.   TaylorH.AbinaM_Presentation-Part 1_Building Analysis-Site Analysis-Case Study_021517.ppt (original) TaylorH.AbinaM_Presentation-Part 3_Building Analysis-Site Analysis-Case … Continue reading

Posted in 04 Team Presentation - Bldg Analysis, Hernandez, Taylor Marie, Mavlyutova, Albina | Leave a comment

Building Analysis Presentation: Cory Breegle, Kenny Cheung, JP Demeriux Gomez, Darwin Diaz K.Cheung D.Darwin (powerpoint) J.P.DemeriuxGomez_BuildingAnalysisPresentation_02082017/open?id=0B4gWoIM-B2YVUTJNWVlGbXZFbE0 (PDF)

Posted in 04 Team Presentation - Bldg Analysis, Breegle, Cory S, Cheung, Kenny, DeMerieux Gomez, Jean-Pierre Giraud, Diaz, Darwin E. | Leave a comment

Team 6 Case Study Living-Arts-Brooklyn-Museum

Case study for Living Arts Brooklyn Museumfinal.pptx (1)

Posted in 04 Team Presentation - Bldg Analysis, Prof. King, Ruiz, Freddy A, Stevens, Stephon B, Umana, Eduardo G | Leave a comment