52 thoughts on β€œAssignments”

  1. Edisson

    Greetings Professor Valdez,

    Quick question, On the template where it says β€œDesign concept and a number” what do I exactly need to put there? Is the number the number page?

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  2. Hector


    I’m a little confused about how are we going to make the site plan, perspective and elevation…
    Do we take pictures of it and print it out on 11Γ—17 and just trace it?

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  3. margarita

    For the site plan, do we have to include the people as well and for the contour lines on the site. Do we have to do them in different line weights or just one in a fine piont?

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  4. Mohammad Alsharif

    Professor I am not going to be able to make it to class. Here in Yonkers the snow is bad and if you check news 12 everything here is closed already and all the students got dismissed. Can someone please just send me what’s the homework for the next class?
    Thank you

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        1. Prof. Tim Maldonado, William Valdez Post author

          Do not glue the contours.
          First work carving the cubes on the site. Make sure that you carve the pieces properly to work together with the site. Make sure that your composition is balanced. After you have finished carving, then glue the chipboard pieces to the foam boards individually without gluing the layers together. I need to see the final carving before everything is glue in one piece. For Thursday bring everything in order to take the final decision and glue. (Remember to bring the FINAL well crafted pieces to class.
          Do not forget to bring your rhino files.

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  5. Hamsa

    Prof . I have the chipboard but i dont want to cut it because i dont want to mess it up are you still going to teach us how to use the laser cutter ? Or should i attempt to cut it anyway ?

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