Author Archives: Prof. Paul King
I want to encourage each of you to consider getting involved in the colleges Solar Decathlon Effort staring in the Fall of 2014. You can do this as part of the CUNY Service Corp and get paid for your time β¦ Continue reading
Please review Updated Tutorials
Updated tutorials are now posted for days 13, 14 & 15.
Long Span Case Studies
Due on Wednesday March 19 Each of the three teams is to put together a Powerpoint presentation of possible long span structural solutions for the Gym and the Atrium Space. You should include as wide a range of materials and β¦ Continue reading
Latest Tutorial is Posted
The latest tutorial is posted covering the start of the new academic complex.
Autocad Set 1
I have posted a copy of all the Rubrics I developed to grade the recent assignments. I have also posted a copy of a description of the submission of the Autocad Set which will be due Friday March 7th.
Upcoming Deadlines
This Friday the Stair Studies sheet(s) will be due for grading. Next Friday will be the deadline for re-submission of the Zoning and other Autocad Sheets. These will be graded separately from the original submission. If you want a grade β¦ Continue reading
Updated Lecture from Today
I posted an updated copy of todayβs partition lecture at a higher resolution so you can read the notes more easily.
Reminder ! β Zoning Sheets are due Friday 2/7 β Post by Thursday Night!
Completed Zoning Sheets Z-101 & Z-102 are due. You should have both drawing files to submit and a pdf of the printed sheets. Upload these to blackboard by 11 pm Thursday evening. You may find you require more than 1 β¦ Continue reading
Deadline Reminders
Scavenger Hunt: For today please submit your scavenger hunt assignment by the end of the day today March 5th. Those of you who posted it last night will be given extra credit towards your grade. AutoCad Set Submission: This set β¦ Continue reading β