Using your 18″x 24″ drawing pad and charcoal, draw your kitchen, in perspective, from life. We should see at least two walls and have a clear idea of where the horizon line is. Render using value to the best of your ability!


  • STEP BACK to capture as much of the room as possible. Don’t just use your camera lens to zoom out, as it uses a fish-eye-like lens and is distorted.
  • Try CHANGING UP THE HORIZON LINE. You can stand on a chair for a more birds-eye view, or try sitting on the floor to get an “ants-eye” view.
  • ADD UNIQUE DETAILS like appliances, utensils, spices or groceries, or even fridge magnets, etc. While this is a drawing about perspective, it is also an opportunity to show off your home’s personality and warmth!
  • Try including a FOREGROUND, MIDDLE GROUND, and BACKGROUND to help with perspective. Use OVERLAP and VALUE to help indicate objects that are closer or further away to the viewer.