Participation 10%
Assignment Drawings10%
Midterm (Sketchbook & Portfolio Review)20%
Final Project20%
Final Sketchbook20%
Final Portfolio Review20%


Students are expected to post their work online as well as participate in in-class exercises and conversations.

Each student will present his/her work weekly for critique using appropriate design vocabulary. The critique is a neutral dialogue. Students will present their work and discuss the strengths and weaknesses, expressing what works and what doesn’t work in relation to the assignment guidelines. Peer responses will be given. No personal likes or dislikes are discussed without elaborating on the
“why” of it. Design-specific terminology should be used at all times.


Projects given as Homework Assignments are due at the beginning of class and must be hung up for critique upon arrival ; otherwise they are considered late.

  • There will be no make-ups for those who miss any Classes, Quizzes, or the Final project.
  • ANY MISSED ASSIGNMENTS WILL EARN A ZERO. Assignments received after the deadline will drop a grade. After that time period, any late assignment will earn a zero.
  • A final portfolio of all projects will be handed in with the final project at the end of the semester. Students have the option to revisit earlier projects and revise them based on original comments.
  • If a student finds they will not be able to present or hand in a project on the scheduled day, it is their responsibility to notify the instructor PRIOR to the due date and request alternate arrangements. Points will be deducted for late assignments and missed critiques.


Students are required to draw a minimum of 2 hours (30 min per page) for a total of 4 sketchbook pages per week.  See the sketchbook post for more info.

Sketchbooks will be graded twice, once at midterm and again at finals. (NO MAKE UPS)


A portfolio of drawings will be graded both for Midterm and for Final.  The portfolio should contain between 5-6 of your best drawings, and there should be significant change between the 2 portfolios representing the artist’s growth over time.

Before handing over these portfolios, students have the option to revisit earlier projects and revise them based on original comments.