Professor Lara Antal | COMD1123, D038 | Fall 2023

Category: Uncategorized

6th Week | OCT 4

Bring to Class: Sketchbook - Quiz | Assignment 5 - Simple Forms with Value

WARM UP: Morning Still Life


  • Last week’s recap. Go over in-class exercises, value scales, simple forms.

Video: Vincent Bal – Shadowology , John Muntean – Shadow Sculptures

ACTIVITY: Break into groups. Stage a shadow still life by using a direct light source and cast a shadow. Draw the shadow, either as a contour outline or shaded form, and use that shape as the base for your own whimsical creation!

ASSIGNMENT 5 CRIT: Simple Forms with Value

  • Review pre-visualization thumbnails: composition and value sketches.
  • Review drawings

Break 15 min

Lecture: Light & Shadow

Video: Seeing Light & Shadows in Everyday Life

DEMO: Charcoal Techniques

  • Carve with your wand (compressed charcoal)
  • Toned paper (vine charcoal & tissue)
  • Texture
  • Taping off edges

ACTIVITY: Sketch a Skeleton

  • Draw ONLY the negative space
  • Draw ONLY the shadows on the form
  • Draw from a toned paper


  • Sketchbook: NONE – hand in your sketchbook to grade quizzes 
  • Drawing Assignment – Week 6: Spooky Self-Portrait

5th Week | SEPT 28

Assignment 4 - Self-Portrait Through Objects

Value & Simple Forms

WARM UP: Morning Still Life


  • The progress of your take-home quiz. Any questions, or issues?
  • The reading Porpotions: Taking the Measure of Things. What is drawing from the midpoint? How do you draw using plumb and level? How did you measure in your drawing assignment?

ASSIGNMENT 4 CRIT: Self-Portrait with Objects

Discuss: Simple forms inherit in complex objects. Reference image below.

ACTIVITY: Warm-ups & Simple Forms

Lecture: The 5 Perceptual Skills of Drawing: Perception of Shadow & Light

  • What is Value?
  • Why is Value so important?
  • Value Scales & Shading Simple Forms
  • Observing Light and Shadow

Video: Art Institute of Chicago – Light & Shadow

ACTIVITY: Create 5 Value Scale

ACTIVITY: Practice Using the 5 Value System to render 3 dimensional forms. Use class props for reference.  Try Cubes, Spheres, Prisms, and oblongs. Try moving the Light source as well.

ACTIVITY: Start working on the Simple Forms with Value assignment.

  • Set up a specific still life with a light source.
  • Create the two thumbnails in your sketchbook, one for composition, one for value. Make sure these are complete before moving on to the final drawing.


4. Take-Home Quiz

This “quiz” is really a packet of work you are responsible for doing in your sketchbooks by October 5th.  

You will not have to do your sketchbook pages for the next two weeks.  If you are behind in your sketchbook… NOW is a good time to catch up!

Read the whole packet.  Do Projects 1 A – 1 F in your sketchbook. Fill out the SELF assessment page.

You will hand in your sketchbook to me for grading on October 5th.

You have a printed packet, but below is the PDF as well.

2nd Week | SEPT 7

Assignment 1 - Baseline Drawing | Sketchbook 1 - Meet the Artist

Contour and Perception: Edge Recognition, Contour Drawing, and Line Texture and Line Weight.

Check-in: Questions or issues

ACTIVITY: Still Life / 3x – 1 Minute / 1x – 5 Min

SKETCHBOOK CRIT: Meet the Artist pages

  • What is something you have in common with your classmates?  
  • What do you find interesting or unexpected about your classmate?

Discuss: READING Learning to See Left Brain vs. Right Brain
Sharing our right & left brain activities

Discuss successful strategies to solve this drawing problem:

  • Comparison
  • Focusing on one area at a time
  • Measuring

ASSIGNMENT 1 CRIT: House from Memory vs. House from Observation
Drawing as an Exercise in Perception:  

  • How accurate were you?  
  • Which drawing feels more like where you live?

Lecture: The 5 Perceptual Skills of Drawing: Perception of Edges

ACTIVITY: Contour Line Studies – Shoes off!

  • Blind Contour Drawing
  • Continuous Contour
  • Contour Drawing

Lecture: Line Quality

ACTIVITY: Three Approaches to Line Weight


Contour line:

  1. An outline that defines the edges of a form or shape.
  2. A line drawn on a topographic map to indicate ground elevation or depression.


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