Professor Lara Antal | COMD1123, D038 | Fall 2023

Category: Course Activities (Page 3 of 3)

4th Week | SEPT 21

Assignment 3 - Positive & Negative Plants | Sketchbook 3 - Close-up Comps

Measuring & Proportions

WARM UP: Morning Still Life

SKETCHBOOK 3 CRIT: Close-up Comps
Break into groups and review pages. Identify a single composition from each of your classmates and copy (and label!) this design into your own sketchbook. Use simple shapes — it’s not about replicating, this is a schematic for a good layout.

ACTIVITY: Eye Exam Drawings

  • Blind contour drawing of a classmate
  • Continuous contour drawing of the same classmate
  • Contour drawing of classmate’s eye, just one! Be as accurate as possible.

ASSIGNMENT 3 CRIT: Positive & Negative Plants

15 min break

Lecture: The 5 Perceptual Skills of Drawing: Perception of Relationships

Activity: Sighting

  • Viewfinder Grid
  • Find midpoint
  • Plumb & Level
  • Measurement:
    – Using your thumb and your pencil, choose a basic unit for your composition. Now sketch your composition, using this basic unit as your frame of reference for relative size.



Yoshitaka Amano  - The Birth of Myth | 焞話èȘ•ç”Ÿ 
Lomex Gallery
86 Walker, 3rd Floor | 89 Walker, #2R

Check out this exhibition before it closes on October 28th.

Bring your sketchbook and take notes on various things we discussed in class. Examples:

  • Sketch out composotions that you feel are strong.
  • Make contour drawings of the artworks, either the whole piece or various details.
  • Write your thoughts on spacial relations, use of perspective, etc.

Share what you observed with the class!

4. Self-Portrait Through Objects

Drawing Assignment - Week 4

Use 18″x 24″ drawing pad and charcoal.

Create a drawing with a thoughtful composition of carefully chosen objects that represent you.

  • Frame your composition.  
  • Decide on a unit of measurement on which to base the proportions in the drawing.
  • Compose the page.  
  • Consider the compositional concepts such as Balance, Rhythm, Symmetry, and Asymmetry. 
  • Use a variety of line weights to describe the forms.  
  • Consider how the forms interact with each other in space – overlap, foreshortening, and perspective.

This drawing should try to incorporate all the lessons we’ve discussed!

3. Positive & Negative Plants

Drawing Assignment - Week 3

Use 18″x 24″ drawing pad and charcoal.

Draw from life a plant, either in a vase, potted, or wild. Create a composition that is split into BOTH negative and positive spaces.


  • Design your overall composition first, then decide where to place the “negative/positive” divide
  • Hone in on delicate details and bold shapes! Show off the interesting shapes plants make.
  • Feel free to include a pot or vase to help ground the shape.
Negative Space Drawing Plants
flower positive and negative drawing - costaricapackageswithairfareq1
Painting and Drawing-Positive and Negative Space: Tempera – Mrs. Cassidy's  Art Class
Positive Negative Space Study - RISD Pre-College on Behance

3. Close-up Comps

Sketchbook - Week 3

4 pages, at least 8 compositions.

Frame each thumbnail in a bounding box.

Draw a cropped/focused/isolated part of this object.

Focus on interesting details, on the unique contours, or simplify shapes to abstract the form.

Use the object as inspiration for creating well-thought-out compositional use of space.

3rd Week | SEPT 14

Assignment 2 - Contour Hands| Sketchbook 2 - Very Boring Things

Space, Depth & Composition

WARM UP: Morning Still Life

Discuss: Last week’s Blind, Continous, and Contour shoe drawings.

SKETCHBOOK CRIT: Very Boring Things
Break into groups, review each other’s sketchbook, share one page

  • What details did you find you hadn’t noticed, or found surprising?
  • What were some ways you tried to make the boring object more interesting?

Discuss: READING Learning to See Left Brain vs. Right Brain
Sharing our right & left brain activities, upside-down drawings.

ASSIGNMENT 2 CRIT: Contour Drawing of Hands

Lecture: The 5 Perceptual Skills of Drawing: Perception of Spaces

Video: Surface & Depth

ACTIVITY: Make a View Finder
ACTIVITY: Traced Contour Drawing using Plexi Glass

Lecture: Composition

Video: Rule of Thirds

ACTIVITY: Frame a composition

Use your View Finder to frame a composition. Carefully consider your picture plane. Look at your view from multiple points of view. Be the composer of a unique composition that you find visually compelling.


2nd Week | SEPT 7

Assignment 1 - Baseline Drawing | Sketchbook 1 - Meet the Artist

Contour and Perception: Edge Recognition, Contour Drawing, and Line Texture and Line Weight.

Check-in: Questions or issues

ACTIVITY: Still Life / 3x – 1 Minute / 1x – 5 Min

SKETCHBOOK CRIT: Meet the Artist pages

  • What is something you have in common with your classmates?  
  • What do you find interesting or unexpected about your classmate?

Discuss: READING Learning to See Left Brain vs. Right Brain
Sharing our right & left brain activities

Discuss successful strategies to solve this drawing problem:

  • Comparison
  • Focusing on one area at a time
  • Measuring

ASSIGNMENT 1 CRIT: House from Memory vs. House from Observation
Drawing as an Exercise in Perception:  

  • How accurate were you?  
  • Which drawing feels more like where you live?

Lecture: The 5 Perceptual Skills of Drawing: Perception of Edges

ACTIVITY: Contour Line Studies – Shoes off!

  • Blind Contour Drawing
  • Continuous Contour
  • Contour Drawing

Lecture: Line Quality

ACTIVITY: Three Approaches to Line Weight


Contour line:

  1. An outline that defines the edges of a form or shape.
  2. A line drawn on a topographic map to indicate ground elevation or depression.


2. Contour Hands

Drawing Assignment - Week 2

Draw a Page FULL of Hands 18 x 24 Strathmore Drawing Paper

Use a variety of line weights to describe the forms.  Compose the page.  Consider how the forms interact with each other.  Try different poses.  Try holding objects.  Create a drawing with is uniquely your own.

1st Week | AUG 31

Welcome to Foundations Drawing: Course Overview

Introductions To Class and Instructor

ACTIVITY: The Exquisite Corpse 
Each group discusses:

  • What is your previous experience with drawing?
  • What is one thing you really like to draw?
  • What is something you are passionate about?
  • What is one thing you’re so good at you feel you could teach it to someone else?

Share your exquisite corpse drawings. Each Student introduces another member of their group with one fact about them.

Discuss: Syllabus & Requirements

Lecture: Perception & Drawing

Video: Lion King – Character Design

Lecture: Sketchbook Practice

Introduce: The idea of Left brain vs. Right brain

ACTIVITY: Drawing From Memory- Draw your home

Optional Supply Trip


Perception: The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.

synonyms: recognition, awareness, consciousness, realization, knowledge, grasp, understanding.

1. Perform an activity or exercise a skill repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one’s proficiency.

2. Carry out or perform (a particular activity or custom) habitually or regularly.

synonyms: rehearse, run through, go over/through, work on/at


1. Share a task in your daily life that is right-brain controlled. Explain why you think so.
2. Share a task in your daily life that is left-brain controlled. Explain why you think so.

1. Baseline Drawing 

Drawing Assignment - Week 1 

Using the charcoals and contĂ© crayons on 18″ x 24″ newsprint paper, complete a drawing of your house from observation at your highest level of skill. 


  • Try not to LOOK at the paper for too long.  Focus on the subject!
  • SPRAY the drawings with Workable Fixatiff Spray when complete so it doesn’t smudge! 

Drawing Assignments

Students are required to keep a portfolio of their drawings, both those done in class and done for homework. 

Projects given as Drawing Assignments are due at the beginning of class and must be hung up for critique upon arrival ; otherwise they are considered late.

Portfolio Requirements:

  • A minimum of 4 hours per assignment
  • Use 18″ x 24″ sketch or drawing paper
  • Assignments must be labeled and dated
  • Drawings must be hung up for critique at the start of each class
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