Professor Lara Antal | COMD1123, D038 | Fall 2023

Category: Classes (Page 1 of 2)

14th Week | DEC 7

Bring to Class: Drawing Assignment 11 | FINAL Portfolio | FINAL Sketchbook

WARM UP: Morning Still Life

CATCH-ALL CRIT: Critique our Kitchen Drawings and any other work that hasn’t been peer-reviewed.

DISCUSS: Final Project, we will review your sketches, source materials, and drawings. This is an opportunity to get your classmates’ feedback before moving on to the final image.

WORK on the final project in class.


  • Final Project: The final drawing is due, along with the pre-visualization materials you used to create it.

13th Week | NOV 30

Bring to Class: Assignment 11 | Sketchbook 11

WARM UP: Morning Still Life

ACTIVITYFinal Figure Drawing! In addition to drawing the model as we see them, we will try different drawing approaches:

  • Continuous Contour
  • Drawing ONLY the shadows
  • Drawing the negative space

Drawing times:

  • 6x – 30 seconds
  • 5x – 1 minute
  • 2x – 3 minutes
  • 3x – 5 minutes
  • 2x –10 minutes
  • 1x – 20 minutes

DISCUSS: Final Project


  • Sketchbook: Finish any remaining assignments for your FINAL SKETCHBOOKS
  • Drawing Assignment: Finish any remaining assignments for your FINAL PORTFOLIO
  • Final Project: Bring in sketches, source materials, and drawings to work on in class.

12th Week | NOV 16

Bring to Class: Assignment 11 | Sketchbook 11

WARM UP: Morning Still Life

Discuss Go over last week’s class, review perspective

MASH-UP CRIT: Place any work that has yet to be critiqued on the wall. Each student will choose another student’s work and speak to the following:

  • What is one thing the artist did effectively?
  • What is something appealing about the drawing?
  • What advice would you offer to improve the drawing?

ACTIVITY: Drawing the Halls
Take your drawing pad or sketchbook into the halls of City Tech and find an area that exemplifies perspective. Make sure this area covers some distance and your drawing can include objects in the foreground, middle ground, and background. Aim to represent depth and space through value and line weight.

Draw this scene from life for 40 minutes and return to class.

ACTIVITY CRIT: Share your hallway drawings and discuss.


11th Week | NOV 9th

Bring to Class: Assignment 9 & 10 | Sketchbook 9 &10

WARM UP: Morning Still Life of cubes, until 8:30 am

SKETCHBOOK 9 + 10 CRIT:  Armature in Action & Line of Action

Round 1:

  • Lay your sketchbook on a table, opening it to an ARMATURE IN ACTION sketch.
  • Then, go to the blackboard and write the name of the action you drew.
  • Before critiquing each sketch, guess which action is being illustrated.

Round 2:

  • Lay your sketchbook on a table, opening it to a LINE OF ACTION sketch.
  • Then, go to the blackboard and write the name of the action/type of pose you drew.
  • Before critiquing each sketch, guess which action is being illustrated.

ASSIGNMENT 9 + 10 CRIT:  Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner & Power Poses
Hang your drawings side by side so they can be critiqued simultaneously.

Video: Perspective Drawing – Play this video at 1.5 speed

Discuss: One-Point Perspective


Horizon Line: 
The viewer’s eye level or where the sky meets the water or land.
When inside, it could be where the wall meets the floor.

Vanishing Point: 
The place where something moves so far away from your view that it just vanishes. If it is a road, with parallel lines, it is finally where they vanish creating the illusion of them intersecting.

ACTIVITY: If time, start sketchbook homework.


10th Week | NOV 2

Bring to Class: Assignment 9 - Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner | Sketchbook 9 - Armatures in Motion

WARM UP: Morning Still Life

Lecture: Figure Drawing – Gestural

ACTIVITY: Live Figure Drawing
Today we are so lucky to have a live model in class!

Because of this, we will forego our class format and just do as much drawing as we can. We will resume critiques and activities next week.

  • 8x – 30 seconds
  • 5x – 1 minute
  • 3x – 3 minutes
  • 4x – 5 minutes
  • 2x / 3x – 20 minutes


9th Week | OCT 26

Bring to Class: Nothing! Mid-terms & sketchbooks will be handed back.

WARM UP: Morning Still Life

ACTIVITY: Story Time
Using charcoal and newsprint, draw blank three panels. You will be creating a story through three images, drawn from objects and people you observe within the classroom. Place them in any order to create your own narrative.

  • One image must be a drawing of your classmate from life.
  • One must be an image of an object.
  • One must be a drawing of a part of the environment/room.

When we finish we will present our stories!

15 min Break

Lecture: Figure Drawing – Structural

ACTIVITY: Shapes & Armature

  • Draw the figure as shapes
  • Draw the figure as armature
  • Draw a live model as shapes
  • Drawn live model as armature


8th Week | OCT 19

BRING TO CLASS: Midterm Portfolio, Midterm Sketchbook, Sketchbook Assignment 7

Today we are taking our in-class midterm!

Students must complete the written and drawn portions to receive a grade.

We will also be handing in our midterm portfolios & midterm sketchbooks.

Class ends early after completing in-class work.


Nothing, enjoy!

7th Week | OCT 12

Bring to Class: Assignment 6 

WARM UP: Morning Still Life

ACTIVITY: Commute Drawing
Sketch something you remember from your commute: an image, fellow commuters, or the physical space you were in. Anything that stuck in your brain. Draw from memory to the best of your ability.

ASSIGNMENT 6 CRIT: Spooky Self-Portrait

15 min Break

Lecture: The 5 Perceptual Skills of Drawing: The Whole Form
Pass out the study guide.

ACTIVITY: Sketch a Skeleton

  • Draw using only contour lines
  • Draw skeleton & background
  • Draw ONLY the negative space
  • Draw ONLY the shadows on the form
  • Draw from a toned paper


  • MID-TERM SKETCHBOOK is due next week.
  • MID-TERM PORTFOLIO is due next week.

    Prepare 5-7 DRAWINGS to hand in as your Mid-term portfolio. Make any adjustments or improvements to better the work (and your grade!)

    Must be handed in as a flat bundle: in a portfolio or envelope.

6th Week | OCT 4

Bring to Class: Sketchbook - Quiz | Assignment 5 - Simple Forms with Value

WARM UP: Morning Still Life


  • Last week’s recap. Go over in-class exercises, value scales, simple forms.

Video: Vincent Bal – Shadowology , John Muntean – Shadow Sculptures

ACTIVITY: Break into groups. Stage a shadow still life by using a direct light source and cast a shadow. Draw the shadow, either as a contour outline or shaded form, and use that shape as the base for your own whimsical creation!

ASSIGNMENT 5 CRIT: Simple Forms with Value

  • Review pre-visualization thumbnails: composition and value sketches.
  • Review drawings

Break 15 min

Lecture: Light & Shadow

Video: Seeing Light & Shadows in Everyday Life

DEMO: Charcoal Techniques

  • Carve with your wand (compressed charcoal)
  • Toned paper (vine charcoal & tissue)
  • Texture
  • Taping off edges

ACTIVITY: Sketch a Skeleton

  • Draw ONLY the negative space
  • Draw ONLY the shadows on the form
  • Draw from a toned paper


  • Sketchbook: NONE – hand in your sketchbook to grade quizzes 
  • Drawing Assignment – Week 6: Spooky Self-Portrait

5th Week | SEPT 28

Assignment 4 - Self-Portrait Through Objects

Value & Simple Forms

WARM UP: Morning Still Life


  • The progress of your take-home quiz. Any questions, or issues?
  • The reading Porpotions: Taking the Measure of Things. What is drawing from the midpoint? How do you draw using plumb and level? How did you measure in your drawing assignment?

ASSIGNMENT 4 CRIT: Self-Portrait with Objects

Discuss: Simple forms inherit in complex objects. Reference image below.

ACTIVITY: Warm-ups & Simple Forms

Lecture: The 5 Perceptual Skills of Drawing: Perception of Shadow & Light

  • What is Value?
  • Why is Value so important?
  • Value Scales & Shading Simple Forms
  • Observing Light and Shadow

Video: Art Institute of Chicago – Light & Shadow

ACTIVITY: Create 5 Value Scale

ACTIVITY: Practice Using the 5 Value System to render 3 dimensional forms. Use class props for reference.  Try Cubes, Spheres, Prisms, and oblongs. Try moving the Light source as well.

ACTIVITY: Start working on the Simple Forms with Value assignment.

  • Set up a specific still life with a light source.
  • Create the two thumbnails in your sketchbook, one for composition, one for value. Make sure these are complete before moving on to the final drawing.


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