Bring to Class: Assignment 11 | Sketchbook 11

WARM UP: Morning Still Life

Discuss Go over last week’s class, review perspective

MASH-UP CRIT: Place any work that has yet to be critiqued on the wall. Each student will choose another student’s work and speak to the following:

  • What is one thing the artist did effectively?
  • What is something appealing about the drawing?
  • What advice would you offer to improve the drawing?

ACTIVITY: Drawing the Halls
Take your drawing pad or sketchbook into the halls of City Tech and find an area that exemplifies perspective. Make sure this area covers some distance and your drawing can include objects in the foreground, middle ground, and background. Aim to represent depth and space through value and line weight.

Draw this scene from life for 40 minutes and return to class.

ACTIVITY CRIT: Share your hallway drawings and discuss.