Assignment 2 - Contour Hands| Sketchbook 2 - Very Boring Things

Space, Depth & Composition

WARM UP: Morning Still Life

Discuss: Last week’s Blind, Continous, and Contour shoe drawings.

SKETCHBOOK CRIT: Very Boring Things
Break into groups, review each other’s sketchbook, share one page

  • What details did you find you hadn’t noticed, or found surprising?
  • What were some ways you tried to make the boring object more interesting?

Discuss: READING Learning to See Left Brain vs. Right Brain
Sharing our right & left brain activities, upside-down drawings.

ASSIGNMENT 2 CRIT: Contour Drawing of Hands

Lecture: The 5 Perceptual Skills of Drawing: Perception of Spaces

Video: Surface & Depth

ACTIVITY: Make a View Finder
ACTIVITY: Traced Contour Drawing using Plexi Glass

Lecture: Composition

Video: Rule of Thirds

ACTIVITY: Frame a composition

Use your View Finder to frame a composition. Carefully consider your picture plane. Look at your view from multiple points of view. Be the composer of a unique composition that you find visually compelling.