Bring to Class: Assignment 6 

WARM UP: Morning Still Life

ACTIVITY: Commute Drawing
Sketch something you remember from your commute: an image, fellow commuters, or the physical space you were in. Anything that stuck in your brain. Draw from memory to the best of your ability.

ASSIGNMENT 6 CRIT: Spooky Self-Portrait

15 min Break

Lecture: The 5 Perceptual Skills of Drawing: The Whole Form
Pass out the study guide.

ACTIVITY: Sketch a Skeleton

  • Draw using only contour lines
  • Draw skeleton & background
  • Draw ONLY the negative space
  • Draw ONLY the shadows on the form
  • Draw from a toned paper


  • MID-TERM SKETCHBOOK is due next week.
  • MID-TERM PORTFOLIO is due next week.

    Prepare 5-7 DRAWINGS to hand in as your Mid-term portfolio. Make any adjustments or improvements to better the work (and your grade!)

    Must be handed in as a flat bundle: in a portfolio or envelope.