Please select and answer TWO (or more) of the following questions following the film:
1. What elements depicted in this film reflect your community?
Which issues most affect health in your community, for better and worse: housing, jobs, income, transportation, racism, schools, social exclusion or civic engagement, land use and development…? How?
2. Who makes the decisions that affect your community?
Who’s missing? How can community members gain access to power? How would you change the process? What decisions would you make differently?
3. What compelling stories do you want to tell about your community?
How would you reshape the media coverage that exists? Which voices are missing? What messages and ideas? Who are your audiences? What images and symbols would you use in communicating with media?
4. How can you make things better in your community?
What are the greatest challenges? What additional resources are needed? Who are your natural allies and how will you begin creating alliances and partnerships? What are your priorities for action?
5. What initiatives are already underway that can improve health outcomes on the local, state or federal level (e.g. living wage campaign; a drive for universal preschool; mandated paid sick leave)?
1. What elements depicted in this film reflect your community?
Too many fast food restaurant and other businesses that do not promote health such as liquor stores. I have noticed for a long time now that a liquor store will always make money no matter what. Whether the clients have it or not, they will figure it out a way to buy liquor hence is a good business to have near low class areas. On the other hand, transportation is for the better, I believe it is. Since people do not have to go through the headache of having a car and dealing with car related issues such as accidents, repairs, tickets, finding parking, etc. The MTA takes you about anywhere within the NYC area and therefore a car is not a need in NYC but a want for many, a luxury per se.
2. Who makes the decisions that affect your community?
The congress man that represents the district I live on is Jose Serrano. He is a very involved individual who focused on minorities “Based from what I have read online in the last 5 minutes”. The community members can get more access to power by being engaged in politics. But in reality, I think, that will not happen because someone coming from a higher hierarchy will always come and take control of the community. Perhaps this individuals posses higher qualifications or they know someone in the inside which means the probability for a member of the community to get to power is very low. I would start by educating the young, meaning grade school kids. They have an open mind and are easier to mold with a different mentality but yet, their family will also influenced in their thinking. One may try to talk the older to get into power but many are stubborn and comfortable with what they have and how they will ended up.
1. What elements depicted in this film reflect your community?
According to this film, I think that jobs and transportation is a factor that can affect health in my community. Where I live, everyone has to commute and use public transportation. In NYC, we are in physical contact no matter how much we try to avoid it. Meaning more risk for sickness like the common cold. Also, I think that having to commute can increase the risk of inflammatory joint problems such as arthritis. A lot of people around my neighborhood have to stand up and wait for the bus , train , or both in crowded situation which can be tough and also increase stress .
4. How can you make things better in your community?
My community should get decrease the amount of fast food restaurants in the area. There is a corner store on literally every block where men stand up and smoke cigarettes. There is always a new fast food chain opening which is a red flag for health hazards such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes Ect. There is no local gym or any healthy places to eat.
1) What elements depicted in this film reflect your community?
The people in my neighborhood that have the money live in gated communities. I have also noticed that in my community, there are a lot of fast food restaurants and the one supermarket in my community barely has any healthy choices, but if I shop for food in a different community I noticed that there are a lot more healthy options in those markets for example, Trader Joes would be in a community that is considered good around were I live.
4) How can you make things better in your community?
I think in order to improve my community we should have more programs available to the public to educate them about better ways to improve their health not just saying to diet and exercise, but include things that they may not even consider changing, we can have programs that help clean up public parks and street corners, and graffiti to help make the community look more presentable, because one study actually showed that when they clean up different locations crime is actually reduced when people see a nicer looking street corner.
1. What elements depicted in this film reflect your community?
I have notice that in my community there is lack of affordable fresh food market, a lot of fast food restaurants, and couple of delis. The schools around the area have bad reputation, lack of children parks; can miss a liquor store at the corner of the block. Transportation is not really that good, but we have the illegal dollar van that drops you closer to the train station. Last but not least I haven’t see any clinic in the area, emergency care or mobile veterinary. This should be a mayor concerned for the community and the people in charge of taking decisions in this community
4. How can you make things better in your community?
There is a lot that could be done to better mi community for example organize a food drive reaching out to your local food pantry to see what the greatest need is, coach a youth sports team. Being able to help shape a young mind is one of the best things you could ever do, give blood, this is one of the easiest things you could ever do to help someone, volunteer at a local school, senior center, hospital or animal shelter. These are four places that are always looking for a few extra hands. Whether it’s to share a skill or experience, help with simple tasks or just to lend an ear and laugh a bit, connecting with your neighbors in this way is priceless.
1. What elements depicted in this film reflect your community?
3. What compelling stories do you want to tell about your community?
The lack of organized sports in my community school has always been a matter of frustration for me. As a child I loved following sports and participating in sports games. Unfortunately, my school did not offer any sports programs. As a child I recall seeing other children from the public schools in full sports uniforms, participating and playing in organized and coached football and baseball leagues. The lack of community parks in my city is a great problem.
Recently we signed up our three year old son to be part of a coached soccer group for children his age. While we envisioned a safe and opened park area for the children to play in, when we arrived at the park we needed to compete with many other groups for playing space in the local park. The kids ended up having a wonderful time, but all the parents were holding their breath each time a ball came flying into the play area at lighting speed.
As Brooklyn becomes increasingly crowded it’s imperative for our community leaders to find ways to increase the outdoor parks and recreation centers for all ages to enjoy.
I live in a tight knit orthodox community. Much of my life revolves around the many holidays that orthodox Jews celebrate. Family and community is a big focus of my culture. The celibately meals almost always consist of wine, Challah bread, fish and a meat dish, along with lots of side dishes and dessert of course. A lot of the traditional foods cooking comes from the old country where the staple foods were fried in lots of oil and lots of saturated fats and lots of bread. Recently, much has changed when it comes to food options and the community’s attitude towards diet and exercise. The local doctor has recently employed a registered dietician who is overbooked. Most bakeries offer whole grain and whole wheat Challah options. Modern salads such as kale and quinoa are being added to the traditional menu. A biking group was started three years ago, which organizes weekend rides and local races. I have participated in three Five Boro Bike tours since joining the group. A pre summer health fair has started three years ago and each year it welcomes more venders with more community member coming to participate.
What elements depicted in this film reflect your community?
what most stood out to me in the film that reflected my community is the liquor,fast food restaurant, or pawn shop that is on every other block where i live. It always been sad to see that there’s not a real afford to push development in lower income areas in NYC but yet people seem to wonder why most people cant lift themselves out of poverty. I think Income and racism affect my community the worst. The constant stress of felling less than our out classed is heavy especially in a place like NYC where the difference between the wealthy and the poor is so easily view-able.
Who makes the decisions that affect your community?
The Super Rich if you ask me. I think the amount of money in government is ridiculous and breeds mass corruption on every level. However as far as policy goes it the Kings county executive dow Constantine, then probably the mayor deblasio followed by the Governor Cuomo. I think people in my community need to become more aware of where there struggles come from and understand the history behind how government works and what it is and then we need to get organized and fight for those issues because i really dont see it getting any better any other way.
Question #1
I live on the Prospect Heights / Crown Heights line. When I first moved here 11 years ago it was in rough shape. The schools were awful, the parks were run down and non functioning, there were fast food restaurants and liquor stores everywhere. Then gentrification happened which can be good and bad for the neighborhood. It certainly helped clean up the neighborhood and more businesses open, healthier restaurants, the parks got renovated the schools are getting better but most of the people that lived here all their lives are being pushed out. It is outrageously expensive now, if I were to leave my apartment I too would have to leave the neighborhood.
Question #4
We need more community outreach programs in my neighborhood. Most people do not know where to begin to make change. People that have lived this way for generations don’t see anyway out. We also need to get more parents to come to PTA meetings and see what they can do to help our children. The children are our future and its amazing what a strong PTA can accomplish.
Which issues most affect health in your community, for better and worse:
Housing- affordable housing in Manhattan is becoming a memory. In order to afford rent, many people have multiple roommates, causing people to have increased amounts of stress and less personal space.
Income, Transportation, Land Use and Development- The area I live in actually has a lot of job opportunity, as there are a multitude of different stores and businesses opening. There is a lot of construction also. There are public green spaces and many different subway lines, buses and available taxis. Biking and skateboarding are very common. The area is filled with a variety of different incomes, from starving artist to young professionals to trust fund babies.
I’m not too sure about schools or social exclusion. Racism exists everywhere, but my area has a mixture of many people from different areas, religions, etc.. and the area seems very liberal, so racial tension is lessened.
3. What compelling stories do you want to tell about your community?
I feel media coverage of East Village is pretty good. There are a lot of parks and community gardens, as well as public green spaces, all of which promote good health and a sense of community. There is a large homeless population, but there are community programs that try to help make sure the community stays health such as food drives and volunteers handing out food daily. The East Village Grieve is the local paper, and I feel it does a very good job of informing the community about events going on during the week/month. Even though gentrification is prevalent in Manhattan, The East village has a great sense of Health and policy effecting the community, and promoting positive health behaviors.
1. What elements depicted in this film reflect your community ?
My community has a low population density when compared to the rest of Brooklyn. The population in that district is comprised of mainly Russians and Israelites. The district is reported to have a life expectancy rate of 81.5 years, according to the research done by the health department. This is above the average for the life expectancy of the city, meaning that the residents of are generally well off when compared to the rest of New York. It is reported that the percentage of population below the poverty level is only 10%. 69.4% of the children from the community district are enrolled in private schools.
It is a well-researched fact that the life expectancy and the general health level of the community is dependent on many factors such as economic circumstances, living conditions, daily routine, racial distribution and the various elements that are likely to cause stress or tension. Research has shown that those with better incomes and a better lifestyle are less likely to be prone to greater stress and tension leading to better health conditions in the long run.
2. What initiatives are already underway that can improve health outcomes on the local, state or federal level (e.g. living wage campaign; a drive for universal preschool; mandated paid sick leave)?
Mill Basin is generally a residential neighborhood with the racial breakup being almost 75% white followed by African Americans at almost 20% with the remaining percentage being a mixed bag of minorities. These factors would lead to the general assumption that the area is occupied by the elite class and is likely to have better social and economic conditions. This commuinty has the lowest assault and violence rate when compared with the rest of New York. With access to public libraries, parks and an increased spending on research by the New York health department, Mill Basin is likely to continue to maintain its favorable stats in the near future.
5. The two health improvements I have noticed are the New York City’s Earned Sick Time Act and Obama Care. The New York City’s Earned Sick Time Act states that employers with 5 or more employees that work more than 80 hours must provide sick leave. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or Obama Care, was signed by Barack Obama in 2010 with the goal of giving more Americans the access to affordable health insurance.
2. The film showed a division that I believe is true in our country and our state. An example is the education and health difference between Brownsville and Forest Hills. I believe wealth is the key difference but if people don’t set goals to get better education and get a career, they are never going to get ahead in life.
1. What elements depicted in this film reflect your community? for better or for worse: In my community I feel that there are way to many fast food places. In Bay Ridge around the 80’s there were so many opportunities to open more beneficial stores or healthy food markets but instead they opened fast food after fast food what a way to promote good health behaviors. I do feel that the schools in this community are really good because they offer various types of programs for students. Especially after school programs. Not only are children getting the help they may need for homework but they get the benefits of recreational activities after.
2. Who makes the decisions that affect your community?
The Community Board is the official municipal body whose primary mission is to advise elected officials and government agencies on matters affecting the social welfare of the district. The city council and assemblywoman Nicole Maliotakis these I listed are just a few. I do feel that the individuals living in the community are the missing piece in the decision making.
1. What elements depicted in this film reflect your community?
Which issues most affect health in your community, for better and worse: housing, jobs, income, transportation, racism, schools, social exclusion or civic engagement, land use and development…? How?
My community falls in between the low and middle class. Where my whole family works to help put money on the table. My parents i can say live a comfortable life but still overtime stress about paying the bills, or buying anything that is needed to keep our household a healthy one. My family consists of vegetarians, and constantly purchasing organic or vegetarian food can leave a hole in my parents pockets. The main issue i would say that takes place in my community is that no one is interested in the community they live in. There is no effort made to help maintain this community. For example, in other communities there are block parties, which in other words would be a social party for everyone in the community to get to know each other. The main thing i like about my community that its very convenient to all amenities. Doctor offices, 24 hour supermarkets, gas stations, trains etc. Since my community is so populated there are plenty of schools to accommodate everyone that is needed to attend. My community mainly consist of the hispanic race. Occasionally there will be a few African Americans, and Asians; but there is no racism in my community. I have been treated with respect in the community and i have been living here for almost 10 years now.
4. How can you make things better in your community?
What are the greatest challenges? What additional resources are needed? Who are your natural allies and how will you begin creating alliances and partnerships? What are your priorities for action?
To make things better in our community, the first thing is to find out whats wrong. We need to come together as one and build on what is good to make it a better and safer place. One of the greatest challenges in my neighborhood is the violence that occurs late night. I was told that it wouldn’t be safe walking at night by urself. I recommend that there should be more cops patrolling the area to prevent any sort of issues.
What elements depicted in this film reflect your community?
The elements that reflect in my community from watching the film, I live in a very diverse community what I have noticed there are too many fast food restaurants and there is only one fresh supermarket in my community. I think by having so many different types of fast food chains in my community promotes bad health, even though there aren’t so many Liquor stores, but there is lot of bars (nightlife) which I feel that too promotes bad health in my community. The positive side of my community that helps promote good health, that is public transportation, it is accessible by trains and buses which make it less stressful to be able to commute. The Public schools offer good education which make parents be less stressful, few parks where kids can play and adults jog/exercise, the crime and violence rate are low and there are at least two gyms for people to work out.
How can you make things better in your community?
The things I think would make my community better is to eliminate some of the fast-food chains and replace them with freshly healthy made foods and drinks, also get rid of some of the bars to limit the number of bars and hookah lounges. I think it would be very helpful if people incharge in my community to offer programs to educate the community of more ways to stay healthy and discuss some of the things they might be doing that are unhealthy and unaware of it. I also would like my community to be active in other communities (outreach) in some way, I feel by doing this, it would help the neighboring communities to stay or become healthy in both ways.
1. While I was watching this documentary, I was really upset, because of what I learned from the facts mentioned about our communities. For example, there is a “9th street” in every single NYC borough, which are filled with liquor stores, Fast food restaurants, and check cashing and pawn shops. Flatbush Ave, Nostrand Ave, linden Blvd being few examples in Brooklyn. Also, the vicious cycle of poverty linked to healthcare, how few unfortunate people living in poor conditions are bound by health coverage criteria, for example, that lady who made less than 24k but if she made more than that, she would lose affordable medical care. There are many families in similar situations in my community.
3. In terms of a compelling stories, there are many examples on social media about Muslims being mistreated, and i’m sure as soon i say the word “Muslim”, people put on their judgmental eyes and ears. As a Muslim, I’m living and facing modern day racist audience because we tend to paint everyone with the same brush. Radical individuals do not define an entire religion or race or community. Post 911, many community members live in constant stress because of their religion and the way they look. They are subjected to bias leading to lack of job opportunities, and are subjected to social exclusion. Also many families are bound by the boundaries of each community to stay within their own community despite of your socioeconomic status. If we wander off into a different community, then there is a fear of what happened to the 3 college Muslim students in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I feel like the Muslim community is missing leadership, community activities, and support from the government. There are social media experimental groups trying to break the stereotypes and trying to bring people to an understanding that hate is only going to cause inequality and pain. I can set a different example for the modern Muslim community through my actions and words. I can contact my community leaders to support our community in a more acceptable and equal platform in terms of schooling, medical care, housing, jobs, and social equality.
What elements depicted in this film reflect your community ?
1. The elements that were showed during this film reflects my neighborhood is there are a lot of supermarkets around my neighborhood but they all offer the same thing not too many healthy choices to choose from not like whole foods which have way more variety to choose from. There are many delis and liquor stores which is bad because it promotes bad health for example you want to drink there is a liquor store right there or if you want to buy some cigarettes there is a deli in the corner open 24 hours. There is bus and train transportation close by in my neighborhood which many commute but this can also mean a easier way to spread sickness in the train or bus by just holding a pole or someone close to you coughs especially when the train or bus is packed.
How can you make things better in your community ?
2.Things that can make my community better is more afterschool activities where even parents can participate with their children and its good because there spending time with their children and at the same time there helping themselves by exercising too. Another thing is to have more choices of food there is too many fast food chains in my neighborhood which is causing obesity and since there is no other choice of food people keep going back.
1. In my neighborhood it is made up of diverse people. Some areas in queens are not as populated like others. Some lack the education and income, which later affects health in the community. Many only make it though high school and hard for them to find a job. While others who got to go college have it a little easier finding work. Sometimes it is hard to find work and have no one to watch your children for you. Or if you do have work, hard to pay rent and also babysitting. There is much assistance available in my community, which helps the growing community. They help with issues regarding social services, youth services, development projects, etc. The organizations reduce stress for the community by providing a helping hand. An example, there is daycare service. The babysitting service varies and price and time. If you know the trust worthy people and safe, you can work to give your family a better life and know your children are in good hands. As mentioned in the film, less stress means stronger immune system. If you’re healthy, you are able to work for your family and needs.
4. Through my eyes, my community as a whole has gotten better over the years. Before a lot of students would cut class and walk around all day. But now the education system made it harder for students to graduate. Now students stay more in school. Also many charities have built many positive afterschool activities. My favorite was the remodeling of the Boys and Girls Club and YMCA. I went to both during afterschool when I was in middle school and because of them I stayed off the street. I had my first sex talk with a counselor their and got a scholarship. This is only now one of the many places young people can attend. Best part, because it’s based on income, beneficial for the low class family, maybe even middle because they might be able to apply and get accepted for free. There are lots of things to get involved in that can keep you away from the bad out their in the street.
Questions: What elements depicted in this film reflect your community? Which issues most affect health in your community, for better and worse: housing, jobs, income, transportation, racism, schools, social exclusion or civic engagement, land use and development…? How?
Answer: I think our health depends on how we want to adopt the behaviors. A healthy behavior could be eating well, staying active, avoiding behavior like smoking, using drugs, drinking alcohol etc. we have to understand the social determinants of health to ensure that all members of a community are healthy. Health is also determined by access to economic opportunities such as if anyone have safe housing, availability of jobs, and access to health care services, access to affordable and quality education etc. then they will have less stress which means better health.
Questions: Who makes the decisions that affect your community? Who’s missing? How can community members gain access to power? How would you change the process? What decisions would you make differently?
Answer: Our community is under the New York City Housing Authority which provides affordable housing and facilitating access to social and community services. For this mission and better serve residents while facing dramatic reductions in traditional government funding, NYCHA is developing new financing options and building innovative partnerships across the public, private and non-profit sectors. These strategies help NYCHA address many key challenges, from preserving aging housing stock through timely maintenance and modernization of buildings to increasing resident access to a multitude of community, educational and recreational programs, and job readiness and training initiatives. NYCHA stuffs also handle social services, senior citizen services, early childhood programs, youth services, adult educational programs, community economic development projects etc. which makes a better community.
1. What elements depicted in this film reflect your community?
Which issues most affect health in your community, for better and worse: housing, jobs, income, transportation, racism, schools, social exclusion or civic engagement, land use and development…? How?
I think that housing, and transportation affect my community the most. Lately I’ve been noticing for sale signs on every block, everyone is selling their home. It just keeps becoming more and more expensive to live in NY and the price of living is growing exponentially faster than the average New Yorker’s pay check . I think that transportation is another problem, I for one experience this problem everyday. The price of a metrocard keeps increasing and the quality of service keeps decreasing. Public transportation is the main source of transportation in NY, and most of the times there are delays and that becomes stressful when you are trying to go to work, school, and other engagements. I get stressed out every morning when I have to make my way to school or work and then my train is delayed 20 minutes.
4. How can you make things better in your community?
I think a way to make things better in my community is to look into how the schools can fund more after school programs, extracurricular activities and learning resources. I think that now with the new Core curriculum in place there is a lot of pressure placed on kids and they don’t have the proper support services in order to help them excel. I also think that it would be a good idea for schools to offer more extracurricular activities, so that kids are able to take a break and do something fun while they are in school. I remember when I was younger we had gym more than once a week, we had music, art, and recess. Nowadays kids barely have any recess, and they have cut back on music, gym, and art class. I think that funding after school programs would be very beneficial as well, giving the opportunity for parents to be able to place their kids in a safe environment while they work, and to give kids the chance to receive help with their homework and tutoring if necessary. I think the best approach to try and implement action is to team up with other parents and the schools PTA in order to figure out where we can begin and what kind of assistance is currently available.
4.) How can you make things better in your community? The only path that I can imagine taking to improve my community is by building businesses, teaching other people how to build their businesses. My reason for bringing this up is that there are predominately public housing complexes that have many health violations and the local government doesn’t really do much. By doing what I mentioned earlier money can stay in our communities so that we could put together initiatives that allow us to buy houses, commercial/ residential properties that are combined to build up the area. This could equal less crime (because people have jobs), health issues such as homeless individuals and improve the overall stability of the community.
1.) The issues that affect my community the most is racism and social exclusion. The reason for racism is that people of color who work to support their families sometimes get assaulted by police officers for no reason while someone who is white that lives on the same block walks freely. Another issue is social exclusion, since many properties are owned by the state or private companies, the citizens are not given opportunities to decide what should be installed in the community. For example a bigger community center would be useful in the community since it would enable more individuals to workout, kids could do summer activities, and more events could be planned.
1. What elements depicted in this film reflect your community?
My community is more of a middle class out in the suburbs. The part that closely related to me in the film would be with the newly weds, as the community is pretty average and nothing too crazy. As for transportation its alright as theres quite a bit of buses and 1/2 subways near the area. However schools and especially colleges are abysmal. There is almost no colleges close by and any k-12 schools around the area have a bad reputation.
3. What compelling stories do you want to tell about your community?
My community is a pretty lax and antisocial community. The community is located far away from the urban areas so there is not too much media coverage. A couple of years ago the area was pretty empty with no one commuting around the area. However in the past year there has been a casino that opened up which has caused alot of people to start going around the area. Its really annoying however as now I feel that the area isnt as secure as it used to be when the only people you would see are your neighbors. Before the image that people would have of our community would be ” the intersection towards JFK” however now the image is “Near the casino” and honestly I say it alot too as it is more widely known then saying where I live.
1. The issues that affect my community is often seen is good or bad by different individuals. My community is made up upper middle and low income family whom technically live as close as across the street or a couple steps away from each other. This will often result in garbage being not being removed from infront the apartment buildings in a timely manner which could affect our health and is complained about often by the upper and middle class individuals. The apartment buildings which holds quite a few low income families tend to also house drug dealers and gang members which supports violent out breaks at random times and petty crimes in and around the community. Transportation isn’t such a negative thing in my community as both upper, middle and lower class travel the same trains or bus, however it is very congested, parking is always a problem and the air we breath is filled with all types of impurities. I have not faced any forms of racism but i will not refuse to say it doesn’t exist. Emergency vehicles such as ambulances arrive quickly and has access to all homes and apartment buildings, as well as services such as “access a ride” and school buses are readily available.
4. One way i could make things better in my community is by first creating a different atmosphere between the individuals that lives here. Allowing every one to utilize the parks, recreational center etc. They are also many places that have not been visited by the low income families such as madison square garden, the empire state buildings and believe it or not chelsea piers. Having a summer event would be great allowing the kids to socialize more with each other and at least one get to visit these places. Also, i could organize other events such as allowing the kids to go trick or treating as thats not a practice seen in my community. I could also have a meeting with the committee of the apartment buildings to have the garbage removed and stored else where and wait for the sanitation company to come and remove it.
1)In my opinion, our health depends on how we treat our self. There are plenty ways that people can be healthy. Most people, think having money, can increase the risks of being healthy. i don’t think it’s true you can have and still considered unhealthy. One of the best way to being health is to be happy, and do your best to avoid the bad habits as possible as you can. And also, stop stressing yourself for no reason, stress is a very dangerous for our health. after that, everything will fall into their places.
4) My community really needs to decrease the average of fast food restaurants. as an example, in one blocks there are more than 3 restaurants. The supermarkets are too expensive, sometimes people can’t afford healthy food in order to make a simple salad you need at least $ 20
During summer, children cannot go to the park because there is none in my community.
5. What initiatives are already underway that can improve health outcomes on the local, state or federal level (e.g. living wage campaign; a drive for universal preschool; mandated paid sick leave)?
After a big push, New York has pass the bill for 12 week paid family leave policy and fifteen dollar minimum wage. With these two initiatives, family members can take the time to take care of their love ones without feel the financial stress and the increase of the minimum wage will help those individual finally get a head of their financial burden.
4. How can you make things better in your community?
I feel that we can do more than simply worrying about property you possess or the blank space you pay rent, we should take care of the business that supply the everyday items we need by purchasing from your community venders. Likewise we can devote our time to the schools in our community by either cleaning playgrounds or participating school activities with the school faculty. By doing these few little things, we can grow wealth in our community and help educate our future.