Kimberly-Ann’s Profile

Active 8 years, 4 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences
Academic interests



My name is Kimberly-Ann Basdeo and I am a Bridges Scholar who is pursuing a Liberal Arts and Arts (LAA) major. After I get my associates degree in Liberal Arts, I wish to obtain a bachelors degree in Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. I am personally interested in researching cognitive neuroscience and the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) in adolescents. Given the great opportunity by the Bridges program, I am able to work hands on with a mentor on a research project. Doctor Amanda Almond, and I, will be researching how targeted microagressions in the medical and health field, effect women who identify themselves as feminists. My long term goal is to go the extra mile and achieve the highest level of education in my profession.

My Courses

PSY3405 HD32 ”Critical” Health Psychology,  Spring 2016

PSY3405 HD32 ”Critical” Health Psychology, Spring 2016

This course provides an overview of existing psychological and epidemiological findings on the relationship between behavior and disease. The course explores how behavior, emotion and cognition can influence disease processes and examines the impact of stress and perceived control of one’s destiny on coronary, immune and infectious diseases and symptoms. The biological processes of several relevant chronic illnesses are covered as well as related racial and social economic health disparities. Templates for understanding and treating chronic illness including social support, referral and interventions for optimal physical and mental health are discussed. The interdisciplinary theme of this course will provide an overview of extant literature on theories of health psychology within the context of critical race theory, epidemiology, research methods, philosophy of science, biological anthropology, sociology, as well as applied health/medical fields for an enriched understanding of the biopsychosocial approach to health and illness. Lectures and in-class activities as well as films, guest lecturers, and interactive computer programs make up this textbook-free course with required readings made available through CityTech’s OpenLab and Open Educational Resources (OER).

My Projects

Strengthening Research Interactions through Digital Expression (STRIDE)

Strengthening Research Interactions through Digital Expression (STRIDE)

STRIDE is a digital infrastructure using the OpenLab platform that converges a variety of science resources and applications bearing a capacity for enriched engagement in research, and community building. More that a mere website for the NIH Bridges to the Baccalaureate at City Tech, it will contains the following components: • A resource center of digital presentations of faculty mentors research interests/profiles. • A multimedia library of faculty/student research project presentations. • An online journal of students’ scholarly works in research including the sharing of conference abstracts and papers. • Digital platform for an interactive research community that includes online social media.

My Clubs

Kimberly-Ann hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.