Author Archives: Kevin.Brito

Blog 3

After listening to the Audio Interference 47: Lower Eastside Community Gardens from what I heard NYC’s lower east side was in a deep economic crisis after the war, the city turned to the government for a bailout. The gov. denied. so they turned to private banks to get the help. and so budget cuts had to be made to make up for the money. the city was left untaken cared of. the site became very dangerous. then people started using the vacant lots as gardens to grow their food, plan events etc. there is a conflict between who owns the gardens, either the city or the people. so there were issues between the residents and the city, court cases and movements were made to save the gardens from being destroyed by the new owners or the city. sustainabilityĀ has made a transition between the city before it wasn’tĀ well liked but now it is the second main attraction when it comes to traveling the city. through a museum, they are trying to tell the story of how it happens. and its history for the new landlords and all people who arrive at the gardens.

After watching the view The next epoch from an environmentalistĀ point of view it gave me a perspective of how a vacant lot can have a good impact on the neighboorhood and the city. the unwanted plants are survivalist that can adapt to the living condition on of the state. since the global impact, these plants can serve as a good filter for the everyday carbonĀ produced by machines and buildings. theirĀ point after seeing the video is to hopefully grab some of the native seeds and plant them in the native vacant lands. because they can survive, despiteĀ the environment. they emphasizeĀ on the native plants because they are unwanted to humans, but it turnsĀ out they have a lotĀ of use for us as well.

Blog 2

In responseĀ to the question “is it possible to imagine cities with a culture of participatory sharing in which public space is utilized to literally serve the public?” based on the reading by Cahill it is not possible. Based on the culture we live on prejudiceĀ and suspicion had always been around. It has been around for years and there is still no solution to this unfortunate problem. It is sad how we cant send of our kids to school without having to be worried about something happening to them. The term “fit the description” is a very repulsive statement which in fact we can’t do anything about. There are good people and bad people out on the street how do you distinguish which from which? I understand both sides to the argument and what I can suggest is for copsĀ to undergo a longer undercover surveillanceĀ before assuming that person “fits the description”.


In Class Research Assignment – Clarke & Brito

Social Issue: Affordable Housing In New York City
Why is this social issue a problem?
The rising prices of rents contribute to homelessness, mental and emotional distress, as well as causes,Ā  dismantled communities.

What are some of the causes and effects of this issue?

Factors such as unfair pay, low-income, job availability, inflation of real estate properties prices, historical redlining, insufficient affordable housing units, and bureaucratic housing policies.

Who does this issue impact?

People of color, low-income and no-income families and people residing in shelters.

Key search words: affordable, housing, homelessness, new york city, communities, low-income, red tape, rent

Additional search words: neighborhood, property, shelters

Relevant Source Explanation:
We felt that the articles chosen, related to additional factors that cause the issue of in-affordable housing.


Relevant Sources:

Kwate, Naa1, nokwate@rci.rutgers.ed., et al. ā€œSpatial and Racial Patterning of Real Estate Broker Listings in New York City.ā€Ā Review of Black Political Economy, vol. 40, no. 4, Dec. 2013, pp. 401ā€“424.Ā EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s12114-012-9148-0.

Rosenbaum, Emily, and Grigoris Argeros. ā€œHolding the Line: Housing Turnover and the Persistence of Racial/Ethnic Segregation in New York City.ā€Ā Journal of Urban Affairs, vol. 27, no. 3, Jan. 2005, pp. 261ā€“281.Ā EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/j.0735-2166.2005.00236.x.

In responseĀ to the question “is it possible to imagine cities with a culture of participatory sharing in which public space is utilized to literally serve the public?” based on the reading by Cahill it is not possible. Based on the culture we live on prejudiceĀ and suspicion had always been around. It has been around for years and there is still no solution to this unfortunate problem. It is sad how we cant send of our kids to school without having to be worried about something happening to them. The term “fit the description” is a very repulsive statement which in fact we can’t do anything about. There are good people and bad people out on the street how do you distinguish which from which? I understand both sides to the argument and what I can suggest is for copsĀ to undergo a longer undercover surveillanceĀ before assuming that person “fits the description”.

On the other hand, based on the reading “fallen fruit” it did somewhat change my answer to yes it is possible to imagine cities with a culture of participation sharing in which public space is utilized to literally serve the public. Even thou the term public space is not fully there, with the participation of the homeowners and the community leaders. This can actually work. Maybe one gets scared when only one person comes by and starts picking your fruitĀ you might think its an invader or something like that. But when you have the community itself coming down with a group it feels safer and maybe “normal behavior” after a certain amount of time. This, in fact, will create more interaction with your neighborsĀ and your community. And you can get your voice heard more frequently.

Jose-Lyne,Kevin Brito and Scarlett Ramirez _Republican National Convention Protests

Tactics: marches, rallies,performances,demonstration exhibits, civil disobedience, organized protests/w hundreds of groups

George W Bush regime change in Washington
Misfit who had plunged America into war and debt
Lied to people
Despoiled the environment and used the presidency to benefit corporations and millionaires

2004 August 27-31, the days were Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
6 hours to complete March ,
Tense, shrill March of Ā½ million crowd organized by United for peace and justice organization

Thursday, August 26: Plaza hotel
Sunday: Madison Square Park
Monday: union Square to Madison Square Garden
Tuesday: 3 mile radius of the WTC

Resulting effect:
over 1800 individuals arrested
$6.400 per plaintiff
In return city was forced to pay 18 million
No charge