In all three readings, “Occupying public space, 2011,” “The office of the people” and “The Artist Will Have to Decide Whom to Serve,” the writers discuss the use of space and the effect of space and users on each other. According to “The Office of People,” Golan discusses how space influences us. Different spaces tell us to think before we act; certain behavior is only accepted in certain places. Golan states the importance of achieving a degree in order to maintain authority and power over space. He also stresses the point of interacting and being a part of the community to get things done. On the other hand, in “Occupying Public Space, 2011,” Franck and Huang discuss the use of public space by using examples from around the world, as Zuccotti park, Egypt, Asia, and Spain. The main example used by Franck and Huang was Zuccotti park which is a privately-owned park made for the public which also gives the public the power over the space. The people used the space to send their message to the world, even after some complaints occurred, and the police was involved. In spite of the availability to the public’s use, the users of the park also took advantage of the space. Finally, in “The Artist Will Have to Decide Whom to Serve,” Jeanne Van Heewisjk explains how “Cultural Interventions” can make a stronger community. Spreading culture, increases opportunities and knowledge between the people and helps with creating active citizens and becoming part of the community, which will all result in changing the space and its uses. Overall, the three articles stress the effect the community has on space and vice versa.
Some great insights here! I wonder if you think that the occupation of Zuccotti (in spite of some of the controversy) was also a form of Cultural Intervention? And if not, what’s the difference between a cultural intervention and a political one? -NA