According to the three reading they share the same concept that the use of space is negotiated. For the authors of, “Occupying Public Space, 2011” Franck and Huang describe how Zuccotti Park was a space of negotiation. Since the park had to be accessible to the public 24/7 authority couldn’t remove the protester. But negotiation took place when the residents complained about the sound of the drummer coming from the park. That eventually lead the community broad to restrict the certain period of the day the noise to having it only twice a day for two hours. The protester had the power to redefine the usage of the public space. For example, the article stated that “After the fire department removed the generators, it was in this area that volunteers rode two stationary bicycles to generate electricity.” Spaces around us are subject to changes. Golan expressed that idea when stating, “The spaces we move through in our daily life are constantly telling us stories about “how to behave” or “who we are” within that space.” As people use the space it defines the occupancy. But the occupancy is something that can change by on how society wants to use the space.
While the negotiation of regulations during the Zuccotti occupation was part of how the use of the space was negotiated in that specific time, I wonder more about how you think space is continually negotiated and who participates in that negotiation? -NA