Notes for Sculpture Bios.
Last time the Professor and I met we looked at finalizing the header for her name on the site and settled on the Myriad font in white based on our opinions as well as opinions from other colleges. We also touched on moving onward from working on the homepage and finally delving into the other parts of the site, One of the site highlights would be the sculpture biographies. Sculpture Biographies are going to be essentially the processes such as sketches, studies, process photos for a particular sculpture as well as related sculptures for a series of a particular work. Since we already have the main layout of the site figured out, it would be rather simple to structure the layout for the sculpture biographies. I created two mock up pages for sculpture biographies based on some notes from a few months ago organizing the biographies in order. I created a sculpture biography for Going Forth and Blue Lotus since that is what we have in terms of notes right now. I showed these to the Professor right before her 3D Design class on Friday and she gave me some feedback.
The main thing she pointed out to me about the biographies were that she thought that there was too much text on the page. There was too much signaling that this was a Sculpture Biography and for whatever particular sculpture. The Professor did not like how it said “Sculpture Biographies – Going Forth” at the top of the page. She wanted the pictures of the works to represent and speak for themselves rather than text signifying what is what on what page. The text seemed to take away and crowd the page away from the main focus which are the pictures and seeing how each picture and each work relate to each other. This is a new aspect which I can understand can be frustrating since a lot of websites rely on text to point out what is what on a page etc. and not really taking the time to let the pictures breathe on their own without relying on text. Which is something that I can relate to since I know how it can feel to want to let something speak for itself rather than having something just point it out to you. I am going to apply these critiques of the type and create more mock ups for the Sculpture Biographies.
Lady Lotus Going Forth