Blogging? Well, my version of it.

I am in no way a writer nor a blogger and yet here I am writing for this blog. Thanks Professor Shapiro!  The Fall ’15 semester just started and I am fairly excited about it. Typically I enjoy school and  enjoy doing interesting projects and learning whatever I can. I enjoy a good challenge with the meltdown that comes with it and then the success.   ( I hope you’re not judging my grammar, I just don’t know if I should follow standard APA guidelines, or Anastasia’s blog guidelines. Clearly, I am going with the latter.)  I hope and pray this semester is insightful and helps me grow professionally.

On another note, right before school started  I decided to change my lifestyle into a healthy one.  So now, I am a “runner” more like jog a half mile die for 5 minutes and then push myself until I pretty much get too dizzy to stand. After the first night, I felt extremely defeated and upset that at a young age I can’t even run a mile. After the run, a friend of mine  showed me this inspirational video  that really hit home. As I was listening to Eric Thomas’ How bad do you want it, I  was instantly moved by  two quotes, and the whole speech in general. After hearing the speech,  I realized I have heard this before, the year before when I was driving my older sister to her BAR exam. It must’ve moved her too, because she passed her BAR on the first try, through hard work, and studying.


“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”            “After pain is SUCCESS.” -Eric Thomas

Well, with those two quotes in mind, a few days later I hit a mile. It was not easy, but it was true; after the pain was the success. I just kept chanting to myself  “after pain is success!”

Everyday I constantly repeat those quotes to myself, because I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.



Stay humble people!