Self-evaluating my performance: I think I did an overall great job at this internship. I worked through personal and company challenges, and maneuvered through the unknown territories in public and company outreach. I gained a lot more knowledge into digital marketing. I learned a new CRM software, and all while juggling my other senior level courses. I can’t say I did it all with ease, and it became more of a challenge as midterms then finals came around, but I got it all done.

I did not get to use my design skills as much as I would have liked, to strengthen those with real world business experience, but I still learned a lot in the digital marketing space with this cause marketing non-profit agency. I did get practice with animating still objects, which is something I haven’t done in a while. By the end of this internship, I was happy I completed all of my tasks successfully.

I completed all of the objectives and assignments given to me at the start and during the course of the internship. It was tedious work, especially with everything else I had to do for this writing intensive course and my other senior classes. This all helped me learn how to better manage my time, which is essential in all areas of business and our lives. Overall, I believe I gained valuable experience and insight from this field work and course that will benefit me in my future career endeavors.