The company I now work with is a non-profit cause marketing agency, which in simplified terms is a public non-profit organization that works and supports other non-profit organizations of all types all over the world. The parent company was founded in 2007 generating $8.3 million for non-profit organizations before its collaboration with Amazon Smile in 2013, where, as of 2020, together they are estimated to have raised over $190 million for non-profits through cause marketing. Their listed business profile says their employee count is a broad generalized number between 20-80 employees. They have an official office in Manhattan, New York, but most of the employees and interns work remotely. I didn’t realize it at the time of interviewing, but even my supervisor is located in Florida. He is a general manager and I work with him under design and marketing. The onboarding process was seamless and I am excited for my first task.
One of their cause marketing models is putting together and promoting sweepstakes to raise money for various charities and causes. Anyone can enter the sweepstakes. You can enter for free and entering with donations betters your chances because they are equal to more entries. The winner gets the monetary value that particular sweepstakes prize is and $1,000 goes to the charity they chose at the time of their entry. Also, 50% of all proceeds donated during the sweepstakes goes directly to the charities involved.
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