Monthly Archives: September 2017

Social Media

From the article “Social media addiction is a bigger problem than you think” is emphasizing people obsessed social media on every moment. Generally, social media is being an important part of their lives but it is also dangerous to them. Mike Elgan discuses an example of how social network attracting people by the notification number. So that the author wants people realized how the social network is harmful. Finding a solution to quit is the best suggestion for those people who are addicted. I agree with the author’s idea that giving your self a schedule on social networking site. I might recommend setting a reminder on your phone to check social media once at the end of a day. When you work for a whole you would think tired to check social media.  This article is related to “How social media empower our generation to fight for global causes”, Jill Phol is reporting more focus on young people by social media’ effect.

For next week I am going to bring newspaper and magazine. The first idea I will take some shots of my model for holding her phone checking on Facebook or Instagram. The newspaper put together in front of her. The other idea is about while my model is doing her job and she gots a lot of notifications from social media on the phone screen.

Social Media-addicting or empowering

The social media is a double side thing, it can be bad if people are addicting to it rather than pay attention to what’s happening around them. the other side could be good for spreading positive events like: human right, social problem, justing, civil right etc, people can upload immediately for what happen to them and get public attention to help them solve problem. on other side social media are making young people become addicting to it. The social media apps are design to make people addicting by using psychological human nature. Human likes attention from the others, thats why many people are checking how many likes they had when they had a post. People are also nosy, that’s why many people follows hundred of others and like to check out what’s happening with them, this is human nature for many of us.

I got a few ideas for positive and negative side on social media.

1- I will bring printed emoji and tape them on my models eyes, to show now people are communicate with each other by using emojis not word, which is meaning less for their life. also addiction makes them become emoji person that are mindless.

2- using popular social media icons, tape on models eyes.

3- two people are holding each side of the social media icon, meaning social media makes connection become powerful tool to fight and spread idea.

Social Media. An Addiction? A way of Empowerment?

Social media addiction is a bigger problem than you think

The main idea of the article refers to social media as habit-forming as crack cocaine.

Mr. Elgan remarks how constantly people check their social media and the time they spend doing it. He blames companies content creators mentioning that corporations and social media involved companies work hard to make networks addictive.

The author based his affirmations in different researchs, including the Cornell Information Science research based on a site called 99 Days of Freedom that reveals the difficulty people face in stopping the use of social media.

The article also mentions the Network Effect: the idea that networks becomes more valuable as more people are connected and the fact that many people are in Facebook because everybody’s on Facebook. Companies use different tricks to engage people, including the natural curiosity of the human condition: social media is designed to tell you the information you want to know, but they do it gradually to keep you on the network.

The article also mentioned Youtube, as the “perfect cocktail of addictive ingredients” exploiting the idea, among young adults, that surfing videos is good because you can find something better.

To kick the habit the article recommends create a Social Media Visit schedule and keep track of time you spend on social media and all your devices.

How Social Media Empowers Our Generation to Fight for Global Causes

The main idea of the article remarks that many people are attached to their devices because they are involved with problems in the battle against injustice, human rights, environment protection, etc. and Social Media are their best allies

The Jill Pohl’s article shapes the idea of people criticism of friends and collages because of their social addictive behavior is not as bad as it looks.

The author mentions that the so-called Generation Y faces new problems including unemployment and under-employment and the fact that social and political issues on a global scale has change dramatically, creating the perfect conditions for people to get involve in the fight for the rights, without matter if the problem is thousand miles away.

The article says that the same generation facing all these global problems, reacts against different social situations like racism and police brutality, racial and religious equality, human rights using technology: Social Media is a platform that enacts international change.

Social media is seeing as a “launching ground for change” and African Americans were the among the first to adopt Twitter at scale for social justice. It mentions the creation of the hashtag “Iftheygunnedmedown” was the only way to create a massive response to an increasing problem in America. The article also refers to a research from National Foundation for Educational, they found out that people get political, social and economic issues through Facebook and Twitter and new social media companies.

The article argues against people who look at Social Media as an addiction saying that now, Social Media users, are the generation most engaged with the world because people are able to use Social Media, log onto Twitter and end 140 characters with a hashtag for the world to see.

Ideas for next project.

Social Media Addiction

First Idea:

Silhouette of a person that have a phone in his hands with his head down in the typical texting position. I will try to get a full body and on the floor, are soda can, napkins, one or two pizza box, etc.

The screen of the phone emits a blueish light. Social media icons populate around the phone and head of the subject. NOTE: This part will be achieved in post-production.

Second Idea:

A book called: Facebookaholic: 12 steps to quick social media, rests next to a subject with a phone in his/her hands. He/she is texting about the book and how good it is.

How Social Media Empowers

First Idea:

An image of three or four subjects with a phone one of their hands. Phone screens face the camera and each phone has the candle App in the screen.

Second Idea:

In order to show solidarity, camaraderie, or friendship, a group of people will put their hands together, one on top of the other but palm facing up. Each hand holds a phone with the screen facing up and we can see part of different Social Media Symbols on the phone screens.

Social Media

Social Media | an Addiction or an Empowerment

As an Addiction

The article states that, the people who developed social media network did it so people would actually remain on the network, not realizing the time spent on these sites which he assumes is an addiction. The curators, designers and developers of web content are working harder each day to keep you captivated he went on to say. Research conducted and published by Cornell Information Science revealed the addictive effects associated with social media is called, FOMO (fear of missing out), and so, everybody stays logged on in other to stay updated.

As an Empowerment

contrary to the negative remark of social media being an addiction, it is also viewed as positive, “a tool that Empowers Our Generation To Fight Global Causes”. The references use to establish that thesis is not to convincing as the author uses intimate and educational matters as examples in other to establish the significance of social media and its empowerment. The engagement of social media sets worlds apart by breaking up families and yield disrespect to others.

To conclude. The engagement of social media and the arbitrary disposal of information is what constitutes to the existing problems, they are not solutions. They are credible personal information that is exposed to the entire world; so the good the bad and the ugly have the opportunity to use these information as they please.

For the positive scenarios of social media, there will be two individuals male and female back to back with phones in their hands and head bent looking down. For the negative scene an individual (female) will sit immersed into her phone while her friend seeks her attention.

Social Media

The two articles on social media are almost polar opposites of each other. The first article mentions how social media can be an addiction. It shows based on research on how people’s brains work as to why social media is addicting. A study used data from a site called, which encourages people to stop using Facebook for 99 days. The site and study are interesting because they revealed the difficulty people have quitting Facebook because of addiction.

Social media is addicting in various ways. The addictive aspect of social networking is associated with FOMO — fear of missing out. Everyone is on Facebook. They’re posting things, sharing news and content and talking to each other 24/7. The network effect itself is addicting, A network effect is the idea that any network becomes more valuable as more people connect to that network. The apps themselves are also designed to be addictive as well.

At the other end of the spectrum, social media can be seen as a powerful tool to do good in the world. Users can make sure there is awareness brought to important subjects much faster than conventional methods. Due to social media’s social network aspect there’s more people engaging on topics with hashtags and sharing.

Gabriel and I have a few ideas to convey socially aware concepts of addiction mixed with social media to subtly get the point across. we’ve agreed to communicate further to narrow down some ideas during the week.

Headphone PSA

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, have determined that listening to loud music through headphones is a serious health issue. They are worried about the long term effects that it will have on the NYC population before they realize its too late. In order to inform the NYC citizens of the potential danger, the Dept, held an ad campaign that appeared in New York City subway cars, on local radio stations, and on the Internet reminding people to turn down the volume on their headphones and earbuds. Even though research on this issue is new NYC is committed to make sure the public knows about the dangerous affects of listening to loud music through headphones.

The article has a problem in communicating to its Target Audience. Its TA are young adults who listen to music heavily especially during commuting. While the placement of the ads are well thought out the PSA can be communicated in a way it has a heavier impact on the audience.

Sketch for the photoshoot:

Joseph brought his Seinheiser headphones.

Healthy Hearing Campaign in New York City

The high volume can cause the hearing problem, include hearing loss. Nowadays, more and more New Yorkers play music or radio as loud as they want with their headphones, special the age from 18 – 40. But those injuries can be prevented, lower volume, shorten the listening time, ask a doctor for help or visit NICDC for more information.

After our group discussed, we decided to do Beat headphone. It’s a brand for young people. And according to their recent ads, they are more focus on athletes and pop music. So we are going to shoot some photos relate to it. we may have the model to play with sports goods and in the dark or black shit.

Headphones ad and Hearing Loss PSA

Headphone Ad

The Brand my group will be using is Beats by Dr. Dre. The type of Beats are the Solo 2s. The Solo 2s had an interesting campaign with a lot of celebrities and athletes. The brand style is realized photographically where the colors of the headphones correspond nicely with its background. These specific headphones also had a big social media campaign with its own hashtag called the #SocialSelfie. This campaign consisted of celebrities taking selfies with the headphones on.

My image ideas are to shoot a close up of the head phones on someones head, also a possible shot of someone looking as if they are singing wit the headphones on. an overall happy looking shot with soft light.

Hearing Loss PSA

The text that we read in class had to do with hearing loss caused by listening to loud music/videos through headphones. The text tries to get readers to understand that hearing music is okay just as long as it is done correctly. The author explains that the volume should not be loud and that you should not turn the volume up when it gets noisy around you.

My image ideas are to shoot someone with little lighting or harsh light to capture a more dramatic moment. I want to show someone screaming into another persons ear and they cannot hear them. I would also like to try capturing someone posing as if they are trying to hear something you are saying while looking straight at the camera, but they can’t.

Headphones Ad and Hearing Loss PSA

Hearing Loss PSA

According to “Healthy Hearing Campaign in New York City”, the author tells us about young people should alert to their hearing because of the high volume headphones. Some people who like to listen to music they always would like turned the volume highest to cover the noise from outside. For those people should prevent the listening problem by suggestions that turn the volume down is always helped. Also, do not listen to music for the whole day. If you will be aware of your listening problem like hard to hear from a conversation, or from a video. You should see a doctor and do some test for you is the first step. Therefore, some image ideas I am going to shoot for next class is to communicate to my group partners first. In our group, two people will prepare headphones. I am going to decide one person wearing the headphone but one is just hanging the headphone on his neck. Both of them are having a positive attitude.


Headphones Ad

After our group member discussion, we are going to do beats headphone ad. The brand of beats is more focusing on the younger audience from age 16 to 24. It represents young and active because we could feel from the different colors. For our responsibilities, Cesar will bring two beats headphones are black and red. I will bring my pink beats headphone. We will dress up with a cool sense. So that I will ask my partner dress up in black to match the black headphone and make the background in few colors.

Loss Hearing Campaign

Head Phone Ad

To grow a new brand the client needs effective advertising. To simply run ads isn’t enough; craft a great campaign that speak directly to the target audience, campaign that excites and activates them is the main goal.

beats Solo 2, a headset from Dr. Drew, a company that now belongs to Apple, developed a campaign where famous artist and players wore beats Solo 2 during a creative process; to listen to the final mix of a new song that will be released, or simply for relax or to have fun.

The campaign showed the versatility and utility of the headsets, also displays how comfortable and wearable they are. The use of portraits of different musicians and players gave a more personal approach to the main concept of the campaign developed, creating a more intimate relation between the target population, the headsets and the brand through the feelings and expressions of the artist. The campaign also appeals to the feelings because most of the artist and players in the ads are popular and belong to the pop-cultural iconic movement.

The campaign uses different approaches: professional, casual, enjoyable, funny, friendly, and it is in direct relation with fame and fortune.

The illumination of the subjects in the portraits varies depending on the situation and moment they are portraying: high contrast where one part of the face is more lit than the other, the use of soft light, natural light, artificial and colored lights.

Backgrounds in the pictures are directly associated with the situation that the subject is portraying; for instance, a portrait of Nicki Minaj wearing a pair of beats Solo while she enjoys the reading of a magazine at her home.

Carlos Betance will bring the beats Solo 2 headphones that the group will use for the shooting session. About the other props, since every person in the group will work in their own idea for the ad, each of us will bring what will be used for the shooting.

First Option: I am thinking in shooting the subject laying on the floor or seating on a comfortable chair, wearing the beats Solo 2, listening to music and enjoying the music and the moment of relaxation. I want to portrait different qualities of the headphones beats Solo 2 like: using them will relax you, also will bring joy to your life, you will feel comfortable using them. I am thinking in a woman as a main subject, but could be a man also: he or she will be about 22 to 27 years old.

The camera will be in front of the subject pointing directly to her/his face, but the subject is no looking at the camera.

Second option:  shoot the subject looking at a LP or a CD. He/she is concentrated on reading the back of the cover of the disc. She/he looks happy enjoying the music. I would like for this shot a shallow depth of field.

I will shoot in Manual Mode controlling the three main factors that make possible achieve a shallow depth of field: aperture (f-stop), distance from the subject to the camera, and focal length of the lens on the camera.

I must set a Large Aperture/Small f-stop to have a better opportunity to get the effect I want to achieve.

The subject should be near to the camera to have a better opportunity to succeed in getting a shallower deep of field.

For the third factor that controls the DOF, Focal Length, I will try to get access to a 70-200 lens.

In the worst scenery, I will use the Portrait setting in the camera.

Light will be bright and soft. The shooting session will be at City Tech studio.

Hearing Loss PSA

The Healthy Hearing Campaign in NYC was a series of ads in the year 2013 to remind people to turn down the volume of their headphones.

The main idea of the campaign was to create awareness about the consequences of hearing music at high volume and encouraging users to turn down it in their personal listening devices.

The slogan used was clear and direct: “Turn down your music before you can’t hear it anymore”

The New York Health Commissioner mentioned the risk of listening devices at high volume and the high possibilities of hearing damage. This problem has become a serious public health problem, according to New York City Community Heath Survey.

The article also mentioned that this is a preventable problem following simple rules: Reduce the volume, limit listening time using headphones, use of volume-limiting features in the devices, and know about hearing problems and take the necessary preventions to avoid losing your hearing.

The ad shows a person wearing to different hearing devices that have two opposite meanings. In one of the pictures we see a man using a earbud, the tagline says: “Hear today.” Next to the first picture we see the same man wearing another kind of earbud but this is not for listening to music, but to help him listen anything. The tagline says: “Gone tomorrow.” In a clear reference to the problems that hearing a device at high volume cause.

The article recommends going to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorder to take a brief test to evaluate you hearing level and look for professional assistance in case the person need it.

What is the communication problem?
The high risk of hearing loss cause by noise: in this particular case, the high volume in listening devices.
The idea of the campaign is to educate about the risk of listening to music at high volume and its consequences, that include hearing loss.

Who is the audience and what should the PSA say to this audience?
The audience will be people that have a listening device and age 18 to 44. The New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene says younger adults aged 18 to 44 are about three times more likely to listen to music with headphone than adults aged 45 and older (61% vs 21%) It is a broad audience since listening devices are every day more and more popular, not only among young people, as we learned from the NYCDHMH research, but also with people aged 45 years and more.

First Idea
I visualized a subject, with both hands, each one in one ear in the position of recollecting sound. A pair of earbuds hangs in the palm of the hands. The light points to both hands and ears, creating shadow in the face. I don’t want to show the face clearly because the target audience is too broad, the idea is a faceless subject with a hearing problem, this subject could be anyone who is listening to music at high volume.

I will bring the earbuds.

Second Idea
I am considering creating a series of pictures, an ear CU, of the same person, wearing different headphone and earbuds devices, then one with nothing. I will then make a collage with the pictures of the ear wearing the devices surrounding the central image of the picture without wearing any headset or earbuds. Then the slogan that will reinforce the visual message. I can’t hear you, or What did you say. I can use also the phrase “Turn The Volume Down.”


Gabriel Flores