Social Media. An Addiction? A way of Empowerment?

Social media addiction is a bigger problem than you think

The main idea of the article refers to social media as habit-forming as crack cocaine.

Mr. Elgan remarks how constantly people check their social media and the time they spend doing it. He blames companies content creators mentioning that corporations and social media involved companies work hard to make networks addictive.

The author based his affirmations in different researchs, including the Cornell Information Science research based on a site called 99 Days of Freedom that reveals the difficulty people face in stopping the use of social media.

The article also mentions the Network Effect: the idea that networks becomes more valuable as more people are connected and the fact that many people are in Facebook because everybody’s on Facebook. Companies use different tricks to engage people, including the natural curiosity of the human condition: social media is designed to tell you the information you want to know, but they do it gradually to keep you on the network.

The article also mentioned Youtube, as the “perfect cocktail of addictive ingredients” exploiting the idea, among young adults, that surfing videos is good because you can find something better.

To kick the habit the article recommends create a Social Media Visit schedule and keep track of time you spend on social media and all your devices.

How Social Media Empowers Our Generation to Fight for Global Causes

The main idea of the article remarks that many people are attached to their devices because they are involved with problems in the battle against injustice, human rights, environment protection, etc. and Social Media are their best allies

The Jill Pohl’s article shapes the idea of people criticism of friends and collages because of their social addictive behavior is not as bad as it looks.

The author mentions that the so-called Generation Y faces new problems including unemployment and under-employment and the fact that social and political issues on a global scale has change dramatically, creating the perfect conditions for people to get involve in the fight for the rights, without matter if the problem is thousand miles away.

The article says that the same generation facing all these global problems, reacts against different social situations like racism and police brutality, racial and religious equality, human rights using technology: Social Media is a platform that enacts international change.

Social media is seeing as a “launching ground for change” and African Americans were the among the first to adopt Twitter at scale for social justice. It mentions the creation of the hashtag “Iftheygunnedmedown” was the only way to create a massive response to an increasing problem in America. The article also refers to a research from National Foundation for Educational, they found out that people get political, social and economic issues through Facebook and Twitter and new social media companies.

The article argues against people who look at Social Media as an addiction saying that now, Social Media users, are the generation most engaged with the world because people are able to use Social Media, log onto Twitter and end 140 characters with a hashtag for the world to see.

Ideas for next project.

Social Media Addiction

First Idea:

Silhouette of a person that have a phone in his hands with his head down in the typical texting position. I will try to get a full body and on the floor, are soda can, napkins, one or two pizza box, etc.

The screen of the phone emits a blueish light. Social media icons populate around the phone and head of the subject. NOTE: This part will be achieved in post-production.

Second Idea:

A book called: Facebookaholic: 12 steps to quick social media, rests next to a subject with a phone in his/her hands. He/she is texting about the book and how good it is.

How Social Media Empowers

First Idea:

An image of three or four subjects with a phone one of their hands. Phone screens face the camera and each phone has the candle App in the screen.

Second Idea:

In order to show solidarity, camaraderie, or friendship, a group of people will put their hands together, one on top of the other but palm facing up. Each hand holds a phone with the screen facing up and we can see part of different Social Media Symbols on the phone screens.

One thought on “Social Media. An Addiction? A way of Empowerment?

  1. rmichals

    Your summary is very complete and I appreciate that you read the articles and really considered the viewpoints of the authors.

    For the first idea for the addiction pice is to create a silhouette. I think this could work well. To pull this off, distance between the subject and the background is key. Help me remember that we need to have one set up with a white background and as much space as possible in our tight shooting studio.

    The glow of the cellphone on someone’s face will be totally blown away by strobe lights. So we can try two strategies: one shoot with continuous lights and a faster lens or use a strobe light to fake the glow of the cellphone. I will bring one in. If you have a lens that opens to 2.8 or wider, bring it!

    Also when shooting with strobe lights, whatever is on the screen of the phone will not have time to show. Put this in later with Photoshop.


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