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Midterm part 2


For the second part of the midterm I choose a half black background. This decision came after I saw the first part of the midterm was full with light with a bright background and to show a different feeling. With the subject being black and similar to the background i found out it wasn’t focusing all the time so I had to be careful with that.

Midterm Part 2

This weeks photo shoot went surprisingly smooth. I didn’t really run into any complications, I just tried a whole bunch of different things with the subject and had a lot of fun with it. I also had to slightly brighten a few photos bump up the contrast on a few, and make some minor corrections in the fabric, but other than that, as I said, everything went pretty smoothly. My favorite photo this week would have to be this one:


For the background I used a pink sweater of mine which I think compliments the pink flower on the locket, to create a (hopefully) happy feel.

kairise midterm pt 1



I found this lamp in my aunts house and i thought it was pretty interesting to shoot. I found a black piece of paper in my room and decided to set it as my background. Putting this together made a dramatic set especially with the lighting. I aimed the light on the floor and it casted a beautiful mysterious shadow on the right. The paper can be more clean and hide the texture for next time.

Native American – Midterm Part I

In the midterm project, total transformation. I decided to use my Native American doll and use different objects to style it like a dreamcatcher and an owl. I had problems with the lighting and  not knowing what to do to it to make it look different from my other photographs. I really want this one to look the best and display my improvement. I honestly, did not really like how my photographs turned out. When we went on the field trip today, I realized that I haven’t tried doing the lighting up but behind the doll. So, today I’m gonna take some photographs of the doll and scenery with that lighting set to see if it can give it a different effect and feeling.

Mid-Term Project



For this project I decide to use this product that I brought from a trip and I think works well to develop the emotions that I was looking for. I was try to represent some kind of interesting and  relax mood because after you see the object that it is the first thing that came to my mind. The transformation trought the images was smooth and I hope that I accomplish the first part of the project. On the second part well see what I can do to transform this object to something oposite to this first part.

Midterm part 1

For the first part of this total transformation I chose a bright background to light an alarm clock. I like that the surface of the clock itself has a variety of light that can be manipulated to create a feeling. For this first part I choose a more happier than sad mood and to create this making a bright background with some shadows on the sides gave a more happy environment. As the light got closer to the subject the shadows started to fade and created a calm back drop. for this picture i also use a second light with the help of my phone to create an accent light.  DSC_0469

HW4: Childhood Diellza Kasimi

This time I tried experimenting more with different lighting. It was fun as always but a bit challenging and a great learning experience. I used 4 animals and used several backgrounds and different lighting to set different feelings. I had tons of toys that I could of used and tried couple of them but I wasn’t happy . I like the penguin, it reminds me of the movie “happy feet’ even thought he looks sad here!


Homework 4 Buy me



It was  great chalenge to think in the use of natural light or a source of light like a simple desktop lamp. So for my shoots I prefered to use the desktop lamp because the light was better to use with this product to show the details. The idea was to create a product elegant but at the same time interestiing to the eyes of futures buyers. I hope that I acomplish the result of the homework

kairise buy me



Photographing this perfume was fun to do. The lighting i used with my desktop lamp worked very well. I angled it to the left side of the perfume and it casted a shadow. I love the mood of this picture because it goes with the fragrance.

kairise’s toy



Photographing the toy was quite difficult. I had some trouble with the white balance because the tiger was giving off a yellow light. Then i placed the light over his head and it began to fade away the closer i put it above his head. The shot came out pretty clean and i liked it.