Category Archives: Homework


The toys project was actually very fun to shoot. For me, the sad portion was harder to shoot than the happy part. Most turned out to be more creepy rather than sad. Lighting was again an issue (like with the shoe project), because I wound up with a lot of blurry, dark photos.  I honestly had multiple favorites and could not settle on my favorite photo from the bunch. The happy shots were taken with aided daylight and the sad shots were taken at night. I also moved my home studio so that my red wall would be the background as opposed to my closet curtain.


I chose to do my rose shoot with a dead rose, because I figured it would very different from the rest of the groups. The absolute hardest part, which I did not discover until halfway through the photo shoot, is trying to make a happy mood with a dead flower. Instead, I re-did the beginning of my shoot and I tried to make it interesting rather than happy, because happy wasn’t translating. I also did not use any miscellaneous objects so it would be kept simple, and took some loose petals to add to the sad part of the photo shoot.




For this shoot I decided to photograph a womans high heel. The photo I posted above was my favorite photo from the shoot. The background was not originally black; I isolated the shoe and grayscaled the background because I felt like the gray background would really bring out the color of the base of the shoe. The biggest problem I came across was lighting. On a lot of my photos, it was really hard to get non-blurry dark photos. I was going for a sexy kind of look which is why I chose to photograph in the dark with spotlights, but this photo was my favorite from the daylight photos.





For this week’s assignment I use a Russian doll where I set up the light to create a sad feeling. I set the doll in different ways to create first a few family style photographs that reflect a portrait of an old style family and then something to reflect a tragedy with parts of the doll everywhere.


For this assignment, I used four different stuffed animals to try and convey happy and sad. I felt that doing this assignment at home how was a little harder than I expected. I think this was the case because in class we had our group mates to help us with the placement and set of the toys. At home, we didn’t and so that made it a bit harder for me to try and control the stuffed animals with one hand while taking pictures with the other. I first completed the negative versions of my pictures; I faced both clamp lights away from the subjects. After, when I shot the positive pictures, I faced the clamp light above directly on the stuffed animals.

Homework 3


The challenge in this homework was to create happy and sad emotions with the use of the flower and the light. I choose this one because I think that shows that clean happy motion trought the vertical steam and the brightness colors at the top make the iamge happy.

HW3: A Rose is a Rose

For this assignment I though that i would do the same as we did in class, so i figure positioning the light wasn’t going to be as hard as last homework of the shoe.

I found it fun playing with the Rose, putting it in different positions and also the light. Hopefully i get the mood for most of the pictures.



DSC_0256 For this weeks assignment we use light to create mood on a rose. The light and shadows can be all thats necessary to create a feeling. in this case this rose has a sad mood with the shadows and light in the background. The dark petals and just a portion of color can give a depressing and sad feeling.


A Rose is a Rose is a Rose

I imagined this assignment to be a lot like what we had done in class last week. for our Valentine Day Shoot. Except the big difference this time is that we had to use only a rose, and nothing else. I photographed the rose from various angles, like we had done in class. It was difficult for me to capture the rose at different moods. I wasn’t completely sure how to go about doing that other than with the lighting. I tried photographing after moving the lighting around to create dark areas on the rose. I thought this might give my pictures a more mysterious feeling. I chose to stick with my dark red pinkish background because I thought it would be most appropriate for the theme of this shoot.

A Shoe

For this assignment, I chose to photograph a new shoe that I haven’t worn yet. I chose a black leather Steve Madden boot with silver buckles. I felt as though this boot had a lot of potential. There’s a lot going on and I figured that at every angle I could manage to make my shots look very different; maybe even abstract. I moved my boot around three or four times-this way I could photograph my boot from different sides. It was a little difficult getting used to the camera but after the first few shots, my hand stopped trembling and my shots became clear and not no longer blurred. Also, some shots I took were unflattering at times; you couldn’t even tell that they were pictures of a boot. As I moved one of the clamp lights, which was directly above my subject, I noticed how much the focus of light changed on my boot. Although I moved the light just two or three times, I noticed what a difference it made on what areas were specifically lit up.