Category Archives: Homework

Midterm Part 2

In this shoot I was having some issues with the light and placement of my object(s). Since they are colorful it was hard to make it look gloomy/sad, but i think i manage to get some good pictures. it wasn’t as easy as the first part of this shoot. Also i tried playing with the shadows .


On hw5 (Buy me!) I thought this one was fun.

i enjoyed the Lipstick shoot in the classroom and when i got home it was the same feeling, but with a bottle of perfume. didn’t had much trouble with Hw5.


and i hope to do it again.


childhood Toy- shoot happy vs bad.

I found this one a bit hard because i didn’t have mirrors in my house… yeah it’s sad.

But I manage to find one and did the first shots fast…i guess. Yet I it was hard to focuses because the mirror was small.


but somehow i got it done.

Midterm Project-Total Tranformation 2

This week, I continued work on my midterm project. Last week I would say, was more of a trial run for me. Instead of using a sheet to put my crayons on, I used paper, but only for the happy pictures. For the sad pictures, I lowered my exposure, placed the crayons on the glass table it self to capture reflections, faced both clamp lights in the opposite directions so they weren’t directly on the subject, and used the ‘sad crayons’. My ‘sad crayons’ were the funny looking, messed up ones and of course the black crayon, since extreme sadness and depression can be associated with that color. For my happy pictures, I put careful thought into positioning the crayons – that way they’d look organized and can be enjoyed. As for the sad pictures on the other hand, I just threw them one on top of the other and placed the ‘sad crayons’ further in front, that way they would be the main focus.

Midterm Project-Total Transformation

I chose to do my assignment on a box of Crayola crayons. As we can all know, crayons have been a huge part of our childhood-we all loved coloring at one point in our lives. So I chose crayons, knowing that it is a very familiar subject.I had both clamp lights on and one directly above the table I was using. I stuck to using a white curtain on the table.To take the happier pictures, I simply scattered the crayons about and had fun with the subject, especially since crayons are associated with happiness. Some of the crayons in the box were a bit ruined, the wrappers were greasy and the ends of the crayons were broken. I used this to my advantage to photograph the sad|opposite pictures. However, for next week’s assignment, I’m thinking that I may break, crush the crayons to get a REALLY transformed picture…Also, I’m considering using a drawing done with the crayons as part of my happy image.

Midterm Part 1

This first shoot actually went surprisingly smooth. I chose to photograph something rather easy to manipulate, which was a locket necklace. I think maybe the sad part of the shoot might not come across as strongly as the happy part, or maybe even some of the photos could go either way, depending on the person judging them. I did some minimal adjustments to each photo in photoshop (brightness mostly and a grayscale in one particular photo), but nothing too major. I decided to do 10 happy photos and 10 sad photos, and I also chose to shoot at night with indoor lighting, and for the next shoot I will try doing it with some daylight. For the background I used a light lace material, and for the ground I altered between a wood desk, pillow, and a scarf. I had some trouble picking my favorite photo because there were a lot of favorites, but I settled on this one:


I like the soft lighting and darkness of the photo, and the way the necklace is situated, and it is positioned so far from the lace background that I think it makes the photo sort of distant and lonely.

Buy me!

For this shoot I found a few challenges a few were to try to get all the details on the product that I was trying to photograph. For the light I try to use two lights for this assignment. The two lights that use I try to get the back drop with a gradient and a spot light to separate the object and give it a more mysterious look.

Buy Me!

This shoot was very enjoyable to do and I played around a lot with the products. I chose to photograph my favorite perfume, Incanto Dream. The biggest hardship was, once again, the lighting, but I added a few more lights and it made everything brighter and vibrant. For a few of the photos I added just a bit on contrast and I feel like it really punched up the feel of it. I decided to shoot at two different times, once in the daylight with natural sunlight coming through, and once at night with just fluorescent lighting. I changed the background a few times as well as the surface, just to add variety. The second hardest part was doing everything myself, such as the lighting, arranging the product, coming up with new ideas, etc. Overall, I think the photos come off as fun, flirty and girly, which is usually a good approach to advertising for women’s products.

Buy me!

For this assignment, the Macy*s product I chose to photograph was a Keurig brewer. I went about choosing this product by deciding that I wanted to use an appliance – that way I could photograph it in its natural habitat, the kitchen! 🙂 However, I chose not to use other appliances like the toaster, toaster oven, kettle, or blender because of the reflective qualities of the stainless steel and glass, plus I really like the Keurig. Since filming in the kitchen and not in my DIY studio in the attic I used one of the counters in my kitchen. I cleared it of all the things that were there that way the Keurig would stand out and be the obvious focus in the pictures. I also used only the kitchen light and whatever sunlight was coming through the window on the left side. I used props in all of my photos – whatever I thought would help the Keurig seem appealing to potential customers. Also, in a few pictures I used the K-cup carousel and different K-cups packs. I thought that using Keurig products would not only help to advertise this product well but also show what the Keurig can do.