Meet the Pros – Joseph Rodriguez

Joseph Rodriguez interesting advice on creating your own story inspires me. He starts off discussing his past and how we was heading towards the wrong path several times. He began taking photographs of places in New York were danger was high and were displayed as crime areas in the newspapers. Rodriguez wanted to show more than just crime in the communities, he wanted to show the beauty and that there’s much more to those communities. Rodriguez focused more on family and capturing a hidden look that was meaningful and showed their true lives. The photographer tells us about his fascination of traveling to uncover stories and his near-death experiences. Every part of his photographs have to do with his story towards violence, life experiences, and family relationships. I really loved the part were he talked about the three wise monkeys (hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil) he told us to ignore what people say if they don’t like your work. Just continue to create your own story and do your work the way you would do it and put a little piece of you in your work. Joseph Rodriguez is all about not giving up and whenever you see yourself in the wrong path steer yourself back in the right direction and pursue your dreams.

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