
For this assignment, I used four different stuffed animals to try and convey happy and sad. I felt that doing this assignment at home how was a little harder than I expected. I think this was the case because in class we had our group mates to help us with the placement and set of the toys. At home, we didn’t and so that made it a bit harder for me to try and control the stuffed animals with one hand while taking pictures with the other. I first completed the negative versions of my pictures; I faced both clamp lights away from the subjects. After, when I shot the positive pictures, I faced the clamp light above directly on the stuffed animals.

2 thoughts on “Childhood

  1. rmichals

    Group work has a number of benefits. Not only can your classmates help with the things on the set but bouncing ideas off each other is a great way to come up with a good solution.

  2. rmichals

    Group work has a number of benefits. Not only can your classmates help with the things on the set but bouncing ideas off each other is a great way to come up with a good solution.


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