
As an art director for a new bright upcoming product it’s very important to please and capture our current audience as well as trying to lure in new ones. It’s important for your products to stay within your ad campaign ideas and remain presentable to the public. It’s essential that our photos carry some sort of luxury and provide a glowing radiance of oozing independence as they are electric vehicles and electric vehicles are the future of the car industry.


Looking at the different photographers provided, I concluded that Wallace’s (Tim) work would be most ideal.  Compared to the other photographer’s Wallace makes good use of local and a variety of different angles to display his idea or solution. His attention of detail is apparent in most of his photos and the emphasis of expanded perspective is used often.  The level of clarity is displayed through the sharp overall focus. The texture in the gallery is vivid due to how the light is being against the subject.


I believe if I chose Wallace he would be able to show off my brand in a new prestigious and to a new exotic level. He would be able to level the playing field for electric vehicles as it leads the way for the next generation of the industry, revolutionizing the way we drive forever.

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One Response to HW1_Wilbert

  1. rmichals says:

    Tim Wallace is a good choice. Your observations about his work are accurate.

    The whole first paragraph is very general. It sounds like you want to associate the product with luxury. Try to be more specific and make fewer generalizations in your writing.

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