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Journal #12 – Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine

My assignment for today is to separate all 54 cards from the game of Loteria and categorize them into different groups of people, animals, animate objects, etc. Since the last time I was given this task I had just email an image that had all of the loteria cards but in one image to the creative director. As stated previously,  these Loteria cards are part of an important photo shoot project which will be used as a source of inspiration. So to begin this task I opened up Photoshop and began re-sizing and separating each card and classifying them into their respective groups and labels by creating and organizing them all into different folders. After I was done separating, counting, labeling, re-sizing and classifying each card I created a zip file and I forward/emailed them to the creative director. He was very pleased and thankful with the job that I’ve done and I was glad to have helped.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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