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Journal 11/06/13

This week I focused on finishing up the IgnitionOne Holiday Infographic. This infographic gives insight on how “online shopping from 2012 to 2013 should be even greater and digital retailers should be anticipating a very lucrative Thanksgiving Weekend.” Going over the document it is interesting see the increase of online shoppers over the years. Even more surprising was the amount of people who actually do their online shopping from their work office rather their home.

Alongside that infographic I also wrapped up a couple projects for Netmining as well. I was asked to design stickers for their SPOT® program. The task was simple enough; the Marketing Manager and the Marketing Coordinator threw together a couple of lines on the company’s brand colors. Looking forward to seeing how does turn out when they print. The other project I worked was actually updating their Facebook Exchange Infographic. When I originally created the document back during the summer I made it with the intention that it would be a final product without any major additions or changes. This caused me some difficulties when I had to update it for this quarter. Moving forward I was able to make the necessary adjustments while sticking with the original design.

Towards the end of the week it was the usual day-to-day of producing slides and company one sheets. Currently I am interested to see if there will be any more special holiday designs needed for the coming months.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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