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Journal Eight

Journal Eight

Yesterday, October 29th, I worked the usual eight hours at the King’s County District Attorney’s office.  It wasn’t a bad day, all in all.  They had asked me to do an exercise on Adobe Illustrator the week before.  I hadn’t been entirely successful with it then, but I went over it at home, and yesterday, I did it over.  I showed it to the employer there, and he said it was almost perfect.  Then he asked if I had some things I was working on, so I showed him three projects.  He was very helpful, as he went over many changes he might make in them.  Then he created a new home page for one of the projects.  He used the “feather tool” a lot, which I think is helpful.  He also suggested a nice change to the headline, making a reflection of it underneath the title.  We also went over a logo of mine which is hard to make legible enough.  All of this went on all morning, and most of the afternoon.  He was also complimentary of my work, which was nice.

Late afternoon, the other intern and I were given some boards to cut and mount.  The other intern doesn’t like to do this work, I don’t think, and he went so slowly with his part of it, that we got very little done before it was time to go home.  I was planning to talk to the manager of the office about getting more graphic work to do,, but was so busy working on the projects, that I decided to wait on it.  I am also planning on talking to him about this problem in general, and have also been looking for another intern job where I wouldn’t hopefully have this type of problem.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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