Earlier this week a new client came in wanting advertisement flyers created for his taxi company called UCabing. This service allows customers to request a taxi from the UCabing app on their smartphones. The app will then notify the closest driver to the customer’s location for the request. Along with requesting a taxi, customers can also know who is coming and track how far away the driver is from their present location. The client wanted to have a flyer made to promote the service and have a QR code for iPhone users to download the app. In the back of the flyer they will be for searching for drivers.
Half of each side of the flyer would be in Spanish. The translation was handled by my supervisor and I assisted with the design. My next assignment was to update a flyer for a business that helps people sell their homes and apartments. I needed to change the contact in formation and the images on the three flyers to images of upscale homes and city view apartments.These images were to correspond with their offices in New York, Westchester and Connecticut.
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