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8st Journal

When I back to office to day, I have a new project to do for this week. I have to do the flyer of the Thailand, I have to create a 8.5X11 size ad for it, and the deadline is the end of this week.

I created a layout for it, and download different activities images, that I will use it as background. I have input different type of Chinese character as tagline and text. I feel this project is not too hard to do, because I have the idea of what is it after I have done the research about this place. I showed the works I have done to George, but he said he doesn’t agree with the color I used for it. I used dark color for the background, but George said should be use light color because bright color will make people feel sunshine and good mood. I agree with it, so I changed it.

Basically, this week, I have done with this ad, not too bad.


Groupthink Comment: I agree with the idea of this article. Groupthink is an important point for everything, it can help with improve no matter what is it. Everyone has different ideas with their mind, if only one person will only come up one idea, however, if ten people will be come up ten different new ideas, if we combine all of the ideas together, then will become the best of this ten.

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