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Carlos Ordonez Journal Entry Week 7 (10/23/13)

This week I was over at cosmos October 22, 2013. I got to Cosmos said hi to Joe and just went on to sit next to him. He started working on some picture retouching. He said I could just sit down and watch him or that I could go to Aviddd, if I wanted to. I felt bad because I usually just go to Aviddd, so I decided to stay with Joe today. Joe told me to watch and ask questions. I sat there for about an hour while he did what the client had asked for. It was simple stuff like getting rid of shiny heads, brighten a background, or brighten a shirt. Joe decided to have lunch, so I went up to Aviddd to say hi. I was there for about thirty minutes. Flo is going to be gone for two weeks and Michael is going to need my help. Flo and I went over their design process in order for me to help Michael while she is gone. After I finished going over the design process I went back to Cosmos. There, Joanne who is the print production supervisor, asked me for some help. She needed me to do something they called print dummies. I thought this was very interesting because of its importance. It’s a simple task but is key when it comes to producing a book. The print dummy is just a folded piece of paper that has the same folds an original print would have. The print dummy helps designers set the pages on the right spot of the page. In order to create the dummy, you cut a triangle on the crease of the folded paper. Then you number the pages on the triangular shaped you formed with the cut.  After you do that you go through the PDF format of the book and put a brief description on the triangle for the corresponding pages. I did two more dummies. When I was done it was time to go.

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