Monday, February 23


1)  Begin class by posting a comment to this entry talking about one of the sample resumes you found. What is good about this resume? What are its strengths and weaknesses? If the resume is specific to your field, what elements should you try to include in your own resume?

2) Classroom Discussion / Resume Formats (Follow along here)

HW for Wednesday 2/25: Complete and turn in your first draft of your resume via our assignment uploader. Also: Please bring four paper copies to class. Please use your existing resumes if you already have one.

Further resume writing tips:

6 Tips for Writing an Effective Resume (ASME)

Developing your Resume (Purdue Owl)


Note: We will take Wednesday’s class to conduct peer review of our resumes.

5 thoughts on “Monday, February 23

  1. Yishi Wang

    Here is the sample of resume I found out very interesting:

    I like the graphic element that he create to put in his resume, its easy to understand and very standing is very unique, because the color palette and the layout show me his personality. it is simple as an infographic chart. one thing I dislike is the “like” I think it was too personal for a job. but everything else is very smart idea for a beginner who doesn’t have any working experience. he using the graphic element in very smart way.

  2. christopher martinez

    As a Graphic designer it would be a awesome idea to do a resume that not only tells experience one has in the field but also shows it. Many of the examples i saw of these Graphic Designer resumes capture my attention. They illustrate graphic techniques they play with the type used and make it very professional. I liked this idea and i think i will use in the future.

  3. Amelia.A

    The first thing that I have noticed when researching graphic design resumes are the ways in which they are stylized. It is a great first impression and allows insight into that persons personality and what it is they are all about. Another thing that i’ve noticed is the emphasis put on the softwares. This person uses the actual adobe icons. He wants the employer to recognize it first because this field is highly dependent on these skills. I like this resume because it is stylized, neat, and easy on the eyes. It’s obvious this person has a lot of experience, making it an ideal looking template for a Communication Design Management student.


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