VMER 100 : Visual Merchandising (LIM College)

Course Description

The philosophies and techniques of merchandise presentation within a retail setting will be introduced and discussed. Students will analyze real store environments and the role of basic elements of design within these environments. Emphasis will be placed on exterior and interior displays.


Through visual projects, Students learned how to effectively create visual displays and concepts. Four elements of merchandise, Store exterior, Store Layout, Store Interior, and Interior display, was incorporated to show students in-depth scenarios. It was an effective way to learn visual concepts to prepare for a future within the fashion Industry.

Visual Samples

Genetic Modification project
Michael Jackson Tribute
Welcome to the Country Side
Flower Power
Lipstick Valley


ARTH: 1204: 20th Century Dress and Culture

Course Description

A survey of fashion history, from the end of 19th century to the present. Offering an overview of many influences that have affected the development of clothing. Studies the effect of historical period on clothing of the time through analysis of its economics, politics and religion.


Students learned an overview of the many influences that have affected the development of clothing. The effect of an historical period on the clothing of the time through analysis of economics, politics, religion and culture was studied and analyzed to show comprehension of material.

Writing Samples

Fashion Designer Project

BUF 2255: Merchandise Planning and Buying

Course Description

Principles and techniques of retail merchandising with emphasis on contemporary merchandising tools. Included will be the development of merchandise plan, the model, stock plan, margin, and operating plan.


Students got insight on how to calculate mardowns, discounts and store profit through annual budget by creating a pilot store. Effective merchandise planning and placement techniques were learned to maximize store inventory and product sell through. Students learned the importance of merchandise planning to make the right products available, the right qualities, price and placement.

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BUF 2246: Textiles

Course Description

Fabric construction, finishes, decorations and the current fibers being used. Laboratory work concentrates on identifications and analysis of finished cloth.


Through various projects and labatory assignments, students learned how to identify different types of fibers and elements of fabric construction. Methods such as yarning, weaving, and knitting were emphasized to help students gain an in-depth understanding of fabric durability, performance and maintenance.

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Weaving project


BUF 2400: Product Development in the fashion Industry

An introduction to the study of product Development from concept to consumer. Students learn how research is conducted in the fashion industry and how it’s ultimately reflected in garment design. Trend cycles, consumers behaviors, social, political, and economic influences are discussed as influences on trend development.

Project Description

Students research and identify the major fashion trends keeping their target audience preferences in mind. Shop the market and analyze comparable product offerings at a higher price point to determine changes in adapting the product to their market.


Students learned the process of product development from mood board techniques, garment tech packs and fashion design. Student created a professional original product line. Research of materials, trends and history were implemented within project to showcase understanding of overall product development process.


Color Palette project
Digital Mood Board

BUF 3100: Trend Forecast and Social Media

Project Description

An overview and analysis of current color, fiber and fashion trends, as well as their impact upon sales forecasting. Student research, analyze and develop fashion forecasts related to specific seasons in the fashion industry.


Students learned an overview of fashion forecasting and trends and the overall process of consumer adoption. VALS segmentation were assessed to evaluate the evolution of fashion and its trends. Theories of fashion, cycles and long and short term forecasting were analyzed to assist students in their own trend forecasting project.

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BUF 3201: Gender Dress and Society

Course Description

The study of theories related to appearance, clothing and fashion and their influences on cultural identities, gender perceptions and fashion outside and within the United States.


Students analyzed the elements of dress and the social, mental and psychological factors that play a part in one’s dress. Students were to create a self book detailing moments in one’s life and how dress was incorporated to further gain knowledge of the voluntary and involuntary emotions associated with dress. Other projects such as creating a T-shirt to discuss the labels that have been placed in society and how they have effected personal opinion of oneself.

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Self Labels Final


BUF 3300: International Retailing

Course Description

Key issues affecting international retailing with consideration of the global consumers welfare. Provides the student with comprehensive views of retailing and an application of marketing concepts in a practical retail managerial environment.


Class addressed issues affecting international retailing with consideration of the global consumer’s welfare. Provides the student with a comprehensive view of retailing and an application of marketing concepts in a practical retail managerial environment. Students developed a webpage which details a specific region and its connection to international trade.

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BUF 4300: Global Issues and international Retail

a senior level seminar course. Students investigate a specialized topic or topics related to the fashion industry. Research, discussion, and weekly readings culminate in a final paper and presentation.

Course Projects

Students evaluate how consumer perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, demographics and psychographics affect consumer’s selection of apparel products and services. Students visited a international restaurant and provided an evaluation of experience based on the five senses.

BUF 4700: Contemporary Issues in the Fashion Industry

Course Description

An introduction to the study of product development from concept to consumer. Students learn how research is conducted in the fashion industry and how it’s ultimately reflected in garment design. Trend cycles, consumer behavior, social, political and economic influences are discussed as influences on trend development.

Course Projects

Students learned issues within fashion industry and how it effects the retailing process. Topics discussed included, sustainability, smart textiles and, biosynthetics. Students created a presentation of a creation of a smart textile apparel discussing its functionalities.

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