

Welcome fellow traveler to my land of imagery. You will find various cities with beautiful sites and wonders. There are rich materials and goods that are transported from the lands of Wabbaja to the lands of Tribajara to here. The whole map took me 2 hours to sketch and a lot of thinking. My brain hurts of thinking too much but I managed. Peace flourishes my land and represents its fine textures and lands. Enjoy your stay and do not forget to comment on my map. 🙂

The land of Imagery represents my name of an island by the monotony line and the variety line combine. The land represents my fond of fantasy/Sci-fi video games. The imagery of the island combines with my love of fantasy and sci-fi games. One of my favorite games was Skyrim. The influence shine my imagination and led me to create the island filled with vasts cities, Islands and mountains. The Island represents a shine of my soul. Sometimes when there are hardships, there are always battles being fought in a particular place. In the end, everything is rebuild and renewed into a whole new city or landscape and I am happy about it.

The land of Equinare has beautiful horses that migrate the plain lands in search for food and water. Horses are one of my favorite animals whose abilities are stamina running free in the lands of beauty. With freedom, they do not care where they go. They follow the wind.

Ironcladt is a fort built by the courage of soldiers. The fortress represents my fight that I had to go through as a kid with all the harassment and berating. I had to fight until the battle was over.

Great Fall represents the mountain that is high above the earth and views the land of Imagery. The amount of beauty never dies on the mountain and like me the view of this world never dies.

Dreamstyr is a city that represents the dreams in my mind that comes true with beautiful imaginations re-imagined into something more.

Bloomfield is the land field with beautiful flowers and enchanted grasslands. The view seems endless and will never die.

Quinton is the land build by five pillars of land representing five elements: Fire as the torch, water as the seas, earth as the ground, and wind as the blissful moment. The fifth is unknown.

Cliff guard is the city by the river representing the amount of goods received. I received many gifts because I earned them and the longer I wait, the more advanced the technology gets.



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