View from My Window: Sketches

Research # 1 part 2
Research # 1 part 2

View from My Window: Research

2. Every day, I would see the streets outside my window and gaze at the dark streets. The pitch blackness of the streets reminds me of the darkness that we go through on our everyday lives.
The darkness that lingers through our bodies wanting to burst out. Even though, our lives can be filled with darkness there is always a light in the darkness, and the whiteness perfectly demonstrates that.

5. The person walking represents the innocence that may or may not be active in that person. Every day, I wonder of the person’s secrets whether if they are really innocent or not.
The thumbnail represents the secrets that man keeps to himself that is or is not good to his surroundings. Secrets can be either good or bad.

9. There is a building that is bigger that my apartment building that almost reaches to the sky. The clouds that hovers by the building. It made me jealous because I want to see the city far through the horizon.
The building in front of the window represents a castle and I am in my fantasy moments where someday I would live in an apartment that reaches the clouds and see the city below. The whiteness represents the impenetrable fortress that sees all and loves all the sights.

10.The box that is in between the two buildings represents the boring life that the object is going through, and reminds us of how life is precious. We need to cherish what we have and not abuse our opportunities to explore new surroundings.
Life is only a one time opportunity and it can never be return to you. Life is full of wonders and there are still more to life to discover.

11. The thumbnail represents not by my apartment window but of Nam 1120’s window and its wondrous view of the city of Brooklyn. I was amazed by the buildings outside of the horizons and how small it look from the distant.
I love the view of Brooklyn and the blackness represents the traffic of people and cars that people go through. The light represents the cities has happiness and people working through their ever day lives.

12. The bird represents humanity on how free and lucky we are to live in life we love to do in everyday life. The bird also represents our mind that keeps us calm and at bay, and is our best friends. However, it can be a powerful enemy.
The bar on the apartment window represents the captivity of our everyday lives. Where ever we go, there is always a barrier that prevents us from succeeding whenever there is projects due or some other event. The dark side of your mind berates and criticizes you on how bad things are going to happen.


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