Monthly Archives: April 2014

OOoops, I made a mistake about Tuesday’s homework

Hi Class, Sorry! I thought on Tuesday, April 29  you were to turn in the topic summary and 5 questions–but that is due on Thursday, May 1. I apologize for that mistake. We will have another library day on Tuesday. … Continue reading

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Spring Break Journal Assignment

Hi Class, I hope that your Spring Break is going marvelously! For our return on Thursday, April 24th, please have Journal 5 ready: Read Deak and Egan in our textbook and then write 250 words on which of the two writer’s … Continue reading

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Reflecting Sunlight

04/05/2014 I took this photo of Bronx County Hall of Justice on East 161 Street on my way home from school. The sun reflection on the windows of this court building had hit me while I was walking. The symmetrical windows frames creates many … Continue reading

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The Run to Class

3/25/2014, The Run to Class This photo was taken in front of the City tech campus on the corner of Johnson Street and Jay Street. On my way to the school, I’ve noticed how most of the environment looked straight and orderly even the … Continue reading

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Tower in Binghamton, New York

I took this photo on April 05 between Henry st and Chenango st, Binghamton new York,  while traveling to Akron, Ohio. From where I was standing, inside the greyhound station. I could notice the height of the Habitat For Humanity … Continue reading

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Street of East New York

While walking home from school, I was thinking of a what type of photo to take for a project I had coming up. I decided to take a photo of the street I was walking down. The sidewalk was filled … Continue reading

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East New York Surveillance

This Photo was taken on 101st street. I decided to take this photo because it would focus exactly on my target. The photo was taken on a cloudy day with no visible sunlight. The Camera is resting on top of … Continue reading

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Road to the Nba?

This is a photo i took at the Highland park in my neighborhood,its a photograph of guys playing the game of basketball.There are about eleven people in the photograph,its obviously daytime,a court,basketball rims, and fences.The atmosphere of this photo looks … Continue reading

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Reminders for Midterm Exam

Hi Class, On Thursday we will take the Midterm Exam. It will resemble Quiz 3 in that it will focus on summary and citations. In addition, it will have two short answer questions. Next Tuesday, April 8th: Final Draft of … Continue reading

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A Day In the City

I took this picture not too long ago I was in Time Square roaming around shopping I randomly took this photo with the amount of business and it came out to be a good picture. There was so many things … Continue reading

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