Fulton Lights

Processed with VSCOcam with s3 preset

Denise A, March 20, 2014

This photo was captured on March 20th, 2014 in Manhattan’s
Fulton Street train station, involved fluorescent lights and train signs. There
is so much yet so little going on in this photo but the lights carry most of
the weight. They’re very busy and very symmetrical. Every triangular shape in
the ceiling, in the lights, and on the ground looks like they were carefully
planned out and worked on. The bright lights reflected onto the walls and
helped build shadows in the corners of the photo. The reality effect of this
photo is very high because this can be seen for oneself. Anyone in New York
City has seen a train station, maybe not this specific one, but knowing it’s
there is believable because of the familiar traits of exit signs and signs with
different directions to different trains, along with many staircases.


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One Response to Fulton Lights

  1. I approve of this photo. Well composed.

    Prof. Scanlan

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