Ready, 2014, Magdalena Podgorny


This picture was taken on March 15 in Queensbridge Park, during meeting of New York City Slackliners group, my husband and I belong to. Slacklining, similar to tightrope walking, is balancing on the polyester webbing stretched between two points, trees in most cases. I used my phone camera set to black and white mode. The shot is of my husband sitting on the slackline. He was preparing himself to walk the line, finding balanced position to stand up. He is facing Queensboro Bridge, so viewers can see mostly his back. Along with the bridge, some trees and distant Manhattan skyline create the background. Big chunks of the sky and the grass are seen at the top and the bottom of the picture respectively. Camera was positioned on the ground and slanted deeply in order to catch the altitude and perspective. It was meant to be backlit photograph as I noticed the sun was peeping out from behind the clouds. I tried to capture the moment I would see the sun shining through under my husband’s arm, before he stands up. I managed to take three pictures and this is the best one.

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One Response to Ready, 2014, Magdalena Podgorny

  1. I approve of your photo. Good composition.
    Prof. Scanlan

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