Mysterious Cave


This photo was taken on December 20,2013 at 11:17am. It’s located on 3 Farrell Street, Manorville on a place called Shrine of Our Lady of the Island. This picture means a lot to me because it has a religious meaning to it. The studium is clear to see there is a tree trunk in the middle of the picture. In the back of the trunk there is a cave that has a open door made out of a rock but you can’t see anything inside. On the left side there is a statue of a saint. The saint is wearing a white rope his left hand is raised and his right hand is holding a cross. A part of the picture you could see the floor and the rest is cover with bushes and trees. The pro filmic event of the photo is the light brightening the ceramic floor.The trees also gives it reality because of it’s color. The dominant impression I got from the picture is mysterious and intriguing the fact that I can’t see what is inside the cave.The reality effect of this photo is the trees and also the fact that the wind is moving the flag that is attach to the cross. Lastly the frame to the top right there is trees and I could see thesky. On the top right there is the edge of the cave and there are bushes covering the cave. On the bottom right and the bottom left is the ground. This is of some things I could visualize by looking at my photo.

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One Response to Mysterious Cave

  1. I approve of your photo. Interesting subject and composition.
    Prof. Scanlan

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