Downtown’s Clock Tower

Downtown’s Clock Tower, March 19, 2014, Joinel Sanchez

I took this photo from the window of my sister’s room, in the seventh floor of the apartment building in which I live in. The studium shows a building known as the Williamsburg Savings Bank Tower rising above the rest of the buildings in its vicinity. It towers over almost everything in the entire neighborhood of downtown Brooklyn. In the background one can see gloomy, cloudy skies cast behind the tower. The clouds seem to represent an extremely dark or somber mood. The trees, which have long since had their leaves robbed by the brutal winter, tend to give the photo an even drearier feel. The dominant impression seems to reflect a feeling of sadness or even depression, which is showed by overall dark atmosphere, caused by things such the grayish clouds that seem to dominate the sky. The frame is cutting out a few project buildings from my neighborhood, showing that the Williamsburg Savings Bank Tower is clearly of utmost importance in the image as opposed to some of the other smaller buildings

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One Response to Downtown’s Clock Tower

  1. Hi Joinel,

    Your photo did not post. Can you try again? Thanks. Prof. Scanlan

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