This picture was taken towards the end of 2013 or begining of 2014. when i had returned to my old neighborhood, to go to my doctor. The shot is of old train tracks under the target parking lot at flatbush ave Brooklyn college. These tracks have been there for as long as I can remember. I grew up with them being there and there the one thing that has never changed. I never knew why, it was there or has not changed but I was told that it used to be an old train services. When the gate used to be old and broken, I used to see people climb up the gate to go to get the other side.
The graffiti with the name Zaone is interesting cause its all over New york. Searching the name, there were picture tooken of the name in the Bronx, and manhatten from what I seen. It covers the whole block covering the old graffiti that used to be there. the colors mix together so well, in a airbrush kind of tone in the letters and match well together. The gate makes part of this picture for it makes it look broken in areas. The angle of the picture with the gate in front of it shows you how far the distance is from the street to the train tracks. it makes you curious how they get there. Which the frame doesn’t show you, but hints at with the tree is that the ground is raised near the gate for you to land on and not get hurt so its easy to climb the gate and get over.
I approve of your photo. Composition is slightly confusing, but interesting.
Prof. Scanlan