Math problems


This photo was taken while i was doing a math problem in my calculus class. This is a photo of my bench where my pen, calculator and my notebook is on. The frame of the picture shows my notebook pen and my calculator. It shows the viewer its a picture of desk in a math class.The notebook has some math problems in it.It reminded me of a memory in my life. When I was 7 or 9 I remember my dad teaching me multiplications and division. I hated those maths and told my dad that this is the hardest math will ever go. My dad giggled and told me ‘Son, this is just the beginning. At one point when you grow up, you will do math with no numbers whatsoever’. I laughed and thought it as a joke. Now, it reminded me I am grown up and I am doing maths with letter. And Dad was right, little Tareq was wrong.


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One Response to Math problems

  1. I approve your photo. Nice composition.
    Prof. Scanlan

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