Have you ever noticed??? Taken by Omar Bessent btw 40 and 41st near times square nyc 3/11/2014

Have you ever noticed? Taken by Omar Bessent 3/11/14

This photo is was taken between 40th and 41st street in Manhattan Newyork City. The dominate impressionĀ a typical day in aĀ busy area. The studium is a gigantic needle and button in the middle of a busy area. The punctumĀ  is how theĀ big needle and button jumps out at me when I look at photo.Ā The reality effect is its hard to tell how busy the area is atĀ the time the photo was taken. The frame is the lower leftĀ is a person partially inĀ it. TheĀ lower right is the cement on the ground.Ā TheĀ left side have part of a building and truck. The right sideĀ has people walking.Ā The top left is a oblique light from the sun and tall buildings. The right top isĀ buildings and the middle topĀ has more buildings and the big button. The pro-filmic event is its a normal business day filled with people, tourists and heavy traffic. A typical day in NYC!

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One Response to Have you ever noticed??? Taken by Omar Bessent btw 40 and 41st near times square nyc 3/11/2014

  1. I approve of your photo. Great composition.
    Prof. Scanlan

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